Helpfull Hints for Operation and Maintenance of Your Alcohol Stove

1) To Obtain maximum performance from your new stove it is extremely important that you use a quality grade denatured (ethyl) alcohol free from impurities or 91% iso-propyl alcohol stove fuel (not rubbing alcohol) containing less than .03% by weight non volitile matter. The majority of stoves returned to us for burner service are clogged from impure alcohol.

2) A properly operating burner will have a blue flame, with several rows of little flame tips. There should not be a yellow tip on the flame. The air-fuel ratio of the burner maybe adjusted for ost efficient operation. With burners lit, hold burner flange with a pair of pliers and rotate flange until the yellow flame tip is eliminated,see figure 1**

captkeywest Notes: ** Unable to provide figure 1 at this time.

3) A Burner operating properly will boil two cups of water in a 2.5 qt (6.5 inch), uncovered saucepan in seven to nine minutes.

4) If you Notice a small flame where the control stem enters the burner, tighten the gland nut slightly until the flame no longer appears. This adjustment may have to be made after a few hours of burner operation, but then should require very little attention. see figure 1**

5) If the pump bounces back when you try to pump,or if the pump handle is pushed all the way back out after a pump stroke, the check valve at the base of the pump (13B) is defective and should be replaced. Order Part No H-1332.

6) If you pump, and get little or no pressure in the tank, the pump U-cup needs to be replaced. Order part # H-1233

7) If the burner lights properly, but goes out after a short time, you did not pump enough or your fillercap leaks.

8) If no alcohol comes thru the burner when you attempt to prime, you have no pressure in the tank, or a filter cogged by dirty alcohol. The filter seldom clogs but when it does your stove must be sericed by trained personnel.



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