Welcome to Jayelle's Diversions
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Welcome to Jayelle's Diversions!

Jayelle's Diversions


my site. Sorry!

Guess what? There's something new! I've been a hip-hopper for thirteen years, and sometimes it really shows. Those of you who are growing up may like You Know You're A Mid-School Hip-Hopper If... I have a mailing list and Delphi forums for hip-hoppers, too--Check them out! I've got some other places to go, too: The Pagan-American Princess Pages and Beyond the Fear, a Pagan-Christian discussion mailing list.

You may also read A Mousetrap for an Alleged Friend in which I say something completely groundbreaking and controversial--NOT ALL QUEER PEOPLE LIKE DISNEY!!!!! Right now, you can also read The Freedom of My Enemy is My Friend, In a War Among Rappers, Queer Men Become the Casualties, or All Sides Against the Middle.

My essays Queer in Fact and Theory and My Own Hell to Raise, my religious testimony, are still here. I have an essay about the controversial pride flags that graced downtown Orlando in June. Personally, I don't think that was the place to do it--I don't think it's proper to make the city look like it's advocating a certain cause. (I don't think it's proper for them to have homophobic banners up, either.)

If you'd like to go somewhere else, check out my Library of Links!

I swear to God/dess, you will be seeing more. Much more!

This is not only my little vanity site, but a house party for all my people--Bisexuals, Pagans, Libertarians, citizens of Orlando, hip-hop heads, and anyone else who wants to be included! I hope you like it here as much as I do.

Thank you for visiting my online home! Whether you enjoyed it or not, why don't you sign my guestbook?

In perfect love and graveyard dust!

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Email: jayelle3@hotmail.com