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Drug City

The Pharmacy

Recreation Pharmaceuticals

Marijana, also known as pot, herb, weeb, krypto, chronic, etc., is a green, brown, or gray mixture of dried, shredded flowers and leaves of the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. There are more than 200 slang terms for marijuana. All forms of marijuana are mind-altering which means they change how the brain works. They all contain THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), the main active chemical in marijuana; however, there are also 400 other chemicals in marijuana. This drug makes the user feel dizzy and will be silly and giggly for no reason. They may also have very red, bloodshot eyes and have a hard time remembering things that just happened. Marijuana has both short and long term effects. The short term effects include problems with memory and learning, distorted perception, trouble with thinking and problem solving, loss of coordination, and increased heart rate, anxiety, panic attacks. The long term effects include an increased risk in cancer, breathing problems, a weakened immune system, and may affect both male and female hormones. One of the biggest hazards of marijuana for teens is this: The drug can make you mess up in school, in sports or clubs, or with your friends. If you use marijuana a lot, you could start to lose energy and lose interest in how you look and how you're getting along at school or work. In addition, there is a strong link between drug use and unsafe sex and the spread of HIV. Furthermore, the maximum sentence for possesion is 5 years and an umlimited fine. The maximum sentence for supplying (which includes passing a joint to a friend) is 14 years and an umlimited fine.

Herion is a painkilling drug made from the opuim poppy. Anybody who uses herion regularly may experience a building of tolerance, withdrawl symptoms, such as a running nose, sweats, chills, cramps, and a powerful psychological craving for the drug. Herion can be sniffed, smoked, or injected. The effects are the same, but each method has different risks. Smoking is safer than sniffing adn infecting is the riskiest method. In addition, herion has many risks and side effects. Since the dose reaches the brain almost immediately, it increases the possibility of overdose. Repeated injections damage the vein, leading to thrombosis and abscesses and possibly a collapsed vien. Sharing syringes can cause hepatitis and HIV. Herion can lead to weight loss, depression, loss of appetite, and paranoia. Possessing herion is punishable by up to 7 years imprisonment and umlimited fine. Supplying herion (including giving to a friend) is punishable by up to life imprisonment and an umlimited fine.

Cocaine is a drug made from the coca plant. It is a stimulant, like amphetamines, though is is much shorter acting. Cocaine produces sensations of alertness, confidence and well being. Like herion and many other drugs, it can also lead to compulsive use or dependence. Cocaine hydrochloride is a white powder that can be sniffed or injected. Crack cocaine is cocaine hydrochloride that has been chemically altered to form crystals that can be smoked. Snorting is the safest method, but can damage the nose. Smoking crack is more dangerous and may produce extremely compulsive behavior and can damage the lungs. Lastly, injecting is very risky. Sharing needles can cause septicaemia, thrombosis, abscesses, or other infections. Cocaine produces a very high tolerance leading to addition. High doses can cause overdose, regardless of how the drug is taken. Side effects include paranoia, hallucinations, and loss of contact with reality. Cocaine and crack use may become compulsive. Possessing crack or cocaine is punishable by up to 7 years imprisonment and umlimited fee. Supplying crack or cocaine (including giving it to a friend) is punishable by up to life imprisonment and an umlimited fine. Furthermore, cocaine can be detected in the urine for up to 3 days.

LSD (Lysergic Acid Deithylamide), is a hallucinogenic or psychedelic drug. It can be dropped onto a sugar cube, in capsules, in gelatine sheets, or strips, tablets, tiny tablets (microdots), or on blotting paper. Recently, LSD has been on blotting paper or cardboard sheets cut into 5mm squares with printed images. LSD is almost always swallowed and the experience is usually described as a "trip" because it is like a journey to another place. The user will see fantastic visions, repeated patterns, and moving objects leave traces behind them. LSD has many side effects. It can trigger mental problems and produce delusions, paranoia, and schizopherenia-lide states. LSD may result in extreme anxeity states or panic attacks even after the influence of the drug. LSD may also change the personality of the user. Possesion of LSD is punishable by up to 7 years imprisonment and umlimited fine. Supply of LSD (which may include giving a dose to a friend) is punishable by life imprisonment and un unlimited fine. Additionally, LSD stays in the urine for 2-3 days.

Ecstasy's chemical name is MDMA or Methylenedixymthylamphetamine. Ecstasy usually comes in the form of a tablet or capsule, but may also be snorted, smoked, or injected. According to police analysis, half of all Ecstasy tablets contained no MDMA. Some tablets contain LSD, amphetamines, MDA, Ketamine, and others had no drug content whatsoever. Ecstasy produces a relaxed, euphoric state without hallucinations. The effect that makes MDMA different from other drugs is the sensation of understanding and accepting others. Ecstasy is not addictive; however, it can take great importance in people's lives. There are short term side effects, but little is known about long term effects. Because of Ecstasy's action upon the chemicals in the brain, users often experience depression after taking it. Ecstasy may cause liver problems and induced heat stroke from dancing too long in hot sweaty clubs. A tiny percentage of the population may be extremely sensitive to MDMA and even a single dose can kill them. The maximum sentence for possession if 7 years imprisonment and an umlimited fine. The maxumim sentence for supplying is life imprisonment and an umlimited fine. MDMA can be detected in the urine for about 2-4 days.

OtHeR LiNkS tO sTiMuLaTe YoUr MiNd

Law Studies Info.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Group #1
