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 If you have no idea why I think Ben Affleck is dreamy then:
A: You must live under a rock  somewhere!
B: You must be blind and not get out much even
     for an under-a-rock dweller!
C: You can't deny yourself any longer!
Scroll down and soon you will be a believer too!
These pics have been know to cause a certain drool-factor to occur and can result in mindless speechlessness at Ben's fineness allowing you
only the ability to say Hubba Hubba, Baby !
The one and only time you wish you were a punching bag...
Hubba Hubba, Baby!
looking kind of earnest, but still yummy!
Don't ya just wanna give him a kiss and make that pouty mouth grin?
Mmmm Hmmm!
Now you know what I'm talking about, right? Hubba Hubba, Baby!
Love that Sexxxy Grin
If you want more, or...
if you you're still not drooling ...
Check this out then smarty... *Grin*
Speechless yet? ... Man, you're a tough sell! ...
This one'll make you a Ben Affleck fan for sure!
Ohh, if only Ben would look at us poor peon girls like that, hmm?!
God Damn!
Ben is FINE!
This one is sure to inspire a major drool-fest!
*Smirk*  Here's a tissue to wipe your chin off !
(Hubba Hubba, Baby...  right?!)
     PS: If you're not drooling after the last one: 

       A: You must not like guys ...  
       B: You must have like no pulse at all! 
       C: If B is true, that's STILL not necessarily an 
           excuse, since I know some people who would 
           defy the old Reaper for a chance at our boy, Ben!

You know you're FINE when your reflection on wet concrete is SEXY!
Hubba Hubba Hubba, even!
Seriously though, HubbaHubba factor aside, Ben is a really good actor!!!
I first took note of him in Chasing Amy,
where his earnest portrayal captured my attention.
 I adored him after Good Will Hunting and ...
After I saw Armageddon,
Well, what can I say... Hubba Hubba Baby!
(*Smacks self!* Hey, this was the serious part..!)
No, seriously, since then Ben earned himself
30 minutes of my valuable time for this page,
so there you have it!
(That's a big deal for a busy person like me!)
PS: I HIGHLY recommend you GO SEE
ARMAGEDDON: An Awesome Flick, and it has BEN in it too! *G*
if you haven't yet, cause it is AWESOME!!!
(Another of my faves, Fabulous Bruce Willis is in it too!)
Hellllllllllllooooooo Nurse!
OK, You've been a good reader and come this far...  One more for the road!
Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Hubba Hubba Baby ! ! !
If Ben is now your Fave, You're in luck,
There's more where this came from...
(More coming soon, so pop back on by!)
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Before you go,
Sign my HubbaHubbaBEN Guestbook
Hmmm, isn't it kinda funny how
I have less than 30 people in the Guestbook and nearly  A THOUSAND visitors to this site! :o(
Sign it, come on!
I need some validation here people!!!  You know you wanna!
Oh yeah, and *GRIN* ... Tell us all your fave BEN attribute! ...
(oh, and wipe that drool off your chin!)
View my HubbaHubbaBEN Guestbook
There have been Click my counter to get your own FREE counter from LE! visitors to this site
since it began on July 15th, 1998.
Some final eye-candy for you loyal visitors who've stuck with me to the end:
Hubba Hubba!
Oooh Baby!
Love that Grin!
Love that Look!
Bye for now everyone!
That's all for now Folks!
*Wink!* I was right about the HubbaHubba thing, wasn't I? *Grin!*
Tell everyone what your favorite thing about Ben Affleck is!
Click here to
Return to my Favorites Page
and see what other things I like!
For more Ben Affleck ... Check out these Cool Links:
Double Trouble: The First Matt Damon AND Ben Affleck WebsiteChasing Ben Affleck
Unofficial BenBen Affleck Online
Armageddon Cast Page: Ben Bio
Completely Unofficial Ben Page
Ali's Cute (Matt and) Ben Page
Special thanks to the above sites for the resources to build this page! Keep up your good work!  Let's all get Affleckted!
Some other Cool Ben Links, that I didn't use, but ...He's still FINE in them!
Hubba Hubba, Baby!
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