Steph*'s Harem!

Click here to see some of my harem "hanging out at my house!"


#1 Jack Skellington (Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas) Well, what can I say? Confidant, debonair, charming, sweet... He's just soooo loveable!! Plus, he's from my favorite animated movie, in which he was revered and admired by an entire town, Halloweentown, which is named for my favorite holiday! Jack is just perfect. I wish I had my very own Jack to jump out at me in the dark and to "join me by my side, where we can gaze into the stars, and sit together, now and forever!" 

And here are the rest of my pretties (and their little dogs too!)

The Chicks

Sally (TNMBC) ~ I think the main reason that I am so taken with Sally is that she has such a sense of loyalty to Jack, and you can tell that her love, and all of her emotions, for that matter, are so genuine. I identify with her when she says to Dr. Finklestein, "But I don't want to be patient! I'm restless, I can't help it!" I'm like that, too, always on the go, or wanting to be. Plus, she and I both know how to sew and are very creative. 

Angel (Rock N Rule) ~ She's just so sexy! And that voice... She exudes a very powerful feminine energy. She just has so many awesome qualities!

Rebecca (Tank Girl!) ~ I'm not sure if this counts or not... She did make a lot of animated appearances in her live-action movie. Well, anyway, she ROCKS, HARD! Her sense of style is never easy to predict or pinpoint, because she's so out there, she just doesnt care! She's 100% feminine heroine, loyal to her friends, and you have to admire the fact that she fell in love with a guy like Booga. I mean, he's half kangaroo, for cryin' out loud! 

Akima (Titan A.E.) ~ The first thing that comes to mind when I try to explain my love for Akima is the fact that she was voiced by the goddess Drew Barrymore! Other than that, you've got to love the fact that she's super smart, sassy, and wont be pushed around by anybody! I also admire her because she is courageous and fearless. She is a portrait of Grrl-Power! Oh yeah, and you gotta dig that hair. ;)


Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon) ~ She's just too cute! And besides, as a Virgo, Mercury is my ruling planet, so all the more reason to love her! Plus, she follows in the footsteps of the other chicks in my harem so far, with the brains to match the beauty! 


Ryoko (Tenchi Muyo) ~ That class! That charm! That physique! That attitude! Those eyes! THAT HAIR!! What's not to love about Ryoko?! Ok, maybe her nature as a pirate, you know, not always perfectly honest... But who cares? This chick is a BEAUTY! 

Maleficent (Disney's Sleeping Beauty) ~ Ya gotta love a woman who can morph into a dragon! She is so sleek and bewitching, so crafty and charming that at times its easy to overlook the fact that she is just pure EVIL! Plus, she keeps black crows as pets and can cook up lots of spells to make whole kingdoms bend to her every whim! Just looking at her makes me want to burst out with a resounding "MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"  

Harley Quinn (Batman: The Animated Series) ~ When the only words that can accurately describe her are "Demented and drop-dead gorgeous," its very hard to see how the Joker could possibly resist her! I mean, have you ever seen black, red, and diamonds look sexier? I think not. ;) 

Aeon Flux (MTV) ~ Super-sexy-gun-toting-ultra-femme. Who could ask for anything more? I actually only got to see this 'toon a few times before it got cancelled from Mtv completely. I really wish that it never had, because it was extremely appealing, visually stunning, and always kept you guessing. 

Jane Lane (Daria) ~ Sure she's ultra-cynical and she hardly ever smiles, but she's also very artistic, very smart, and a true-blue friend all the way. She's also kinda cute, (although she would probably kick me HARD for saying that!) and those great boots of hers are always a sure-fire kick to her awesome, unique style!

Jubilee (Xmen: The Animated Series) ~ You know that term "she's a firecracker"? Yeah, well, I swear that phrase was invented just for Jubliee! She is such a cutie, and I think its really cool that she can hold fireworks right in the palm of her hand! 

The Queen of Hearts (Disney's Alice in Wonderland) ~ She's not really good-looking, she's not entirely intelligent, but she definitely belongs in my harem! Why? Look at the way she confused the crap outta that whiny little blonde Alice! In the movie, by the time the Queen showed up, Alice had annoyed me so much, I was rooting for anybody to screw her up!! I think the Cheshire cat helped too. They make a good team, the Cat and the Queen!  

Yzma (The Emperor's New Groove) ~ Ok, ok, so I tend to be attracted to the villainous side of things...  Yzma is the first villain from Disney that actually had me laughing while she worked! She's just got it goin' on. I love her style, her evil mind... Yzma ROCKS! And she made a great cat, too.

Lydia Deetz  (Beetlejuice: The Animated Series) ~ Once again we take a walk on the dark side. She's brainy, she's cute, she's got a great fashion sense, no matter what she wears, and she really knows how to keep the Juice on a leash! Plus, she got played by Winona Ryder in the live-action movie. *sigh* Lydia is perfect. :) 

The Creatures!

What? A harem wouldn't be any fun without a few aliens, bots, animals, mutants, ghosts, furries, etc. along for the ride, now would it?

G.I.R. and Zim (Invader Zim) ~ Part of the reason I think so much of Zim is the fact that he is one of the underdogs of the alien world, just trying to get along on this planet, and the guy just cant catch a break! He's always got that annoying human Dib on his back, trying to get him turned into the subject of a hideous lobotomy! And then there's G.I.R. He's just cute. Plus, one of the co-writers of Episode #3 (Germs), is a friend of a friend of mine, and I've been a Jhonen Vasquez fan for a long time now, so I have to show my Zim-respect! 

Brooklyn (Disney's "Gargoyles") ~ I can remember when I was a pre-teen, watching Gargoyles on TV after school, I always thought that out of all the Gargoyles, Brooklyn was just the super-sexiest! I don't really know why, though. I like his color, for one, and his hair, but there's something else about him. The eyes? The wings? The muscles? Whatever it is, it makes me want to sprout some dragon wings and fly the night skies right along with him!

Allo (Dinosaucers) ~ Who could forget Allo from Dinosaucers? (far left) Ok, ok, you probably don't even remember the Dinosaucers. That's ok, it was way back in 1987 and it only ran for about 65 episodes. Anyway, I developed an affinity for the character Allo early on. His voice, as I recall, was very smooth and confidant, and his leadership skills made him even more attractive, even for a space-dinosaur! If you remember the Dinosaucers even vaguely, you should go here to check them out again. You should go there anyway, really. ;)

Nala (Adult- Disney's The Lion King) ~ I was so taken by the way that Nala grew into a beautiful young lioness. She held a feminine prowess that I hadn't seen in a Disney character ever before. Not only that, but she also held Simba in the palm of her paw with her feline-femme power! Nala is one sexy cat! 

Ickis (Aaahh! Real Monsters!) ~ I love his squeaky voice! I would put him in charge of keeping minor disturbances under control within the harem. Sure he can be scary, but he's also so darn cute that you couldn't deny him when he screams "PIPE DOWN IN THERE!!" ;)

Chernabog (Disney's Fantasia) ~ I guess I've got a thing for dudes with wings, too... Nobody wears fire quite like Chernabog. All that power, all that brawn, and those big scary glowing eyes! He's the epitome of evil, and yet so charming, somehow... Plus he's got a great theme song! He is simply a gorgeous character, no doubt about it!

Maleficent (in dragon form) (Disney's Sleeping Beauty) ~ I felt compelled to include Maleficent in both of her amazing forms! Her dragon form is just too awesome-evil to not include!

Zero (TNMBC) ~ Jack's faithful ghostly companion! Well, somebody's gotta light the way for my harem when we go thundering down the road! Zero is such a cute, sweet little dog, even if he isn't quite all there... ;) Besides, if he didn't get to come along, Jack would probably miss him too much.

Miss Spider (James and the Giant Peach) ~ I never thought an insect could be so sexy! Miss Spider has it all, wit, charm, intellegence... She is an extremely seductive character, one that, if he had been a little older, I think James could have really fallen for! I wouldn't mind taking a long ride in a giant peach with her!

Stith (Titan A.E.) ~ She has got one heck of a pair of legs! What I love most about Stith is her attitude, the fact that she isn't even going to think about taking anyone's crap! Plus, her fearlessness has got me hooked. She's a great role model type. Oh yeah, and she's good with guns. And she's really intelligent. And she's... Ok, I'll stop there. ;) 


The Monsters (ALL of 'em!) (TNMBC) ~ I was going to give each creepy, each crawlie, each demon, monster, devil, cyclops, mutant, witch, etc. their own spot in my harem, but I decided that would take up too much space! So here is their special spot, each and every one of them, for being the greatest, most fun-spooky characters ever! But if I had to pick a favorite, it'd have to be the Harlequin Demon, shown in the right picture above. And if you're an anime fan, don't even go there about the tentacles!!! :-P 

Elliot (Pete's Dragon) ~ If I could pick any dragon to cuddle up to and eat apples with, well... Pete would have to move over! In fact, go away Pete, go get kidnapped by scary old people or somethin... this here's Steph's dragon! 

Flower (Bambi) ~ I never thought I could fall for an effeminate skunk! Maybe its the debonair black and white kickin' in... that's part of what made me fall for Jack Skellington... Anyway, Flower's a cutie, and he's definately in!

The Dudes

Clopin (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) ~ It was actually a close call between the Gypsy king and my current number one, Jack Skellington. I guess I've got a thing for skinny dudes in Halloween-y attire! My love for Clopin began when I met him "in person" at MGM studios here in Orlando, FL in 2001. He was just so sweet, talkin all that sexy French... ooh la la! But the reason I love Clopin so much in THND is because of the way he weaves the tale of Quasimodo... there's something very captivating about his storytelling and his charm! 

Chihaya (Earthian) ~ His eyes are so soulful! If you have seen Earthian, you'll probably know what I mean when I say that Chihaya really stirs your spirit. He is so beautiful, the way he loves so deeply. He's the epitome of a hopeless romantic. I love his black, flowing hair, but what I especially love are those wings! 

SpiderMan ~ I guess I just find web-printed red and blue spandex sexy for some strange reason... Either that or I've got a thing for spider-like male characters. After all, I've included Jack Skellington and Clopin in this harem of mine... Limber, flexible types... Hm. Anyhoo... SpiderMan gets extra points for being able to wrap you up in his webbing at a moment's notice. I bet that could prove to be a lot of fun... ;) 

Jacques (Beetlejuice) ~ Well, he's kind of  a cross between Jack Skellington and Clopin! A French skeleton! So I dig scary pale skinny guys... sue me!  

Maybe when you're older...

Below are some characters that could be a part of my harem if they weren't so young! So for now, they can hitch a ride on the back of the wagon, but I'll have to put them to bed early!

Buttercup (The Powerpuff Girls) ~ She's just so rowdy! In a lot of ways, she's like Akima, (see above), very independent and a leader in many ways. I love her "Because I said so" attitude, too, and in that sense, she's a lot like me! 

Gaz (Invader Zim) ~ Ok, ok, so I dig chicks with a mean streak! Gaz is so goth its cute! And I love her purple hair. She is also like Akima with the super-smart-ness, especially when it comes to computer and video games. Again, she has the take-no-crap attitude, are we seeing a pattern here??

Lain (Serial Experiments Lain) ~ I'm actually not sure how old she was supposed to be in the Anime, but, better safe than sorry. Besides, she can take care of the kids. ;) Lain and I are alike in that upon our first introduction to computers, we were curious but kind of timid, and then grew into 'net-holics! Lain is a cool character also because of her growth in other ways, from an impressionable child into a hold-your-own youth, getting along in the technological age, as strange and scary as it can be at times.  

Dopey (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) ~ He's probably a miniature old man like the rest of the dwarfs, but for some reason, he struck me as kind of a little kid. If I could change his history, I would make him and Snow White be together. There was something so sweet about when she kissed his little bald head... aww... In my harem, what I says, goes, right? So there, they're together now! ;) 

Lock, Shock, and Barrel (TNMBC) ~ I wasn't going to add them to my harem, but then I read a fan fic for TNMBC, in which Sally was having a baby on Halloween night. When I can find the story again, I'll link it. Anyway, L, S, & B were just SOO cute in the story, helping Sally get Jack home in time for the baby's arrival, that they captured my heart all over again. So here they are!

The Couples

Well... sometimes ya just cant have one without the other...

Mickey and Minnie!!! They'll always be my favorites! :) 

Tim (right) and Denise (left) are from a stop-motion-animated short film I did for my Senior project in high school. In this picture, Denise doesn't have any hands yet, and neither of them have feet yet. (I hand-made both dolls myself!) But now that they were a smash success in my film and helped me graduate, they sit complete, adorable, and revered on my bedroom shelf. 

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