PeOpLe ToO kNoW
We would like to welcome ReTrO*cHiC and CyBeR cHiCa To FrEaKyWoRlD!!!
HaPpY bIrThDaY!!! Happy Birthday to CrAzY pInAy (March 31), CyBeR cHiCa (March 31), and ReTrO*cHiC (April 4). Hope it's a good one!
We are sorry to say that CrAzY pInAy is in the middle of moving, so you won't be hearing much from her anymore. . .not that you ever did in the first place. . but anyways, we really need you guys to send us your top five lists(ya know. . . your fav songs!), cuz we don't have much of a list when only WoNdEr BrA wOmAn and SuPeRfReAk vote (PiMp DaDdY doesn't really have time in his "busy" schedule to deal with our little top ten list). So, send em on in!
YeAh! I figured out how to post pics on the site (for awhile none of my pics where working) so look out for some new and exciting pictures that will soon be gracing the pages of this wonderful site.
We FiNaLlY gOt A gUeStBoOk!!!! SiGn It AnD lEt Us KnOw WhAt YoU tHiNk!!!
SiGn ThA gUeStBoOk ViEw ThA gUeSt BoOk AnD sEe WhAt CoOl PeOpLe SiGnEd It!
PlAcEs ToO bE
MeEt ThE CrEaToRs
ApT. 637--ChEcK iT oUt!
FaN fIcTiOn
ReAd PoEmS hErE
SeE oUr ToP 10 sOnGs
TaKe OuR qUiZes!!
ThOuGhTs FrOm YoOr HoStS
JoIn OuR mAiLiNg LiSt
YoU gOt QuEsTiOnS? We GoT aNsWeRs
ThE rEvIeW
StOp BrItNeY pORn!!!