Homeopathy is a system for health building. For homeopathy information, please contact me. Please note that information is offered but homeopathic remedies are not supplied. There are outlets world-wide for access to OTC homeopathic remedies you may want to acquire.
Please ask for details of how this homeopathy information can be useful to build health.
Repertorizing involves a matching technique to find a homeopathic remedy name which most closely matches a set of characteristics about an individual.
It requires skill, techniques and training to accomplish, so you need a qualified homeopath to do this. No guarantees are given by a homeopath as to how accurate the repertorizing is, but it is to the best of their particular ability and skill, and usees chracteristics that you would supply (for example physical features, color, body proportions, breed type, personality).
My own homeopathy training is in the veterinary sphere and the human one, and I especially enjoy work concerning cats.
Pleease note I am a scientist doing research in Feline Infectious Peritonitis, using well researched formal science, combined with geneticsresearch I have been doing for decades with new findings to do with heritable trait groups, and homeopathy, which when put together lead to new insights about health robustness.
You may also contact me for information on Disease resistance products.
As you may know, homeopathy does not look at disease, but is an energy system which is there to work towards building good health and resistance to disease and general robustness.
For example research shows that a homeopathic remedy makes cell walls stronger so as to resist invasion by bacteria, viruses or parasites. Homeopathy does nothing to the invading micro-organosms, it just makes the body toostrong to be attacked by them.(Write for details if interested.)
This is in contrast to western medicine which has to have a disease present to be used at all. It then tries to kill the invaders with toxins such as antibiotics or other drugs with serious side effects and dangers. (Homeopathic remedies have never had a single recall in 200 years). There is no improved health of any body cells possible if a toxic drug is used, rather the toxins may affect the victim adversely, causing a more susceptible state for infection than before. This is thought to be the main reason that childhood ear infections tend to recur when antibiotics are used for them.
The secret to homeopathy working well, whether the individual is ostensibly well or ill, is the selection of an individualized remedy that resonates specifically with the individual, and that is why different individuals need different homeopathic remedies to build robust health and resistance (even if they have the same illness or illness tendencies). Resistance and robustness by homeopathy, can be built any time in the life of an individual, including during an illness. It is better to do it before an illness of course, so as to prevent it in the first place. But we are all human - and not always perfect plannners.
THis homeopathy approach and principle for building robustness with a matched remedy was developed according to the principles of homeopathy found in the original textbook of homeopathy:
See especially aphorism 141 in the "Organon of Medicine" 5th or 6th edition, circa 1834, by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, developer of the science of homeopathy. I state "science" of homepathy as homeopathy is now well proven scientifically. Hahnemann was just about 200 years ahead of his time!
Please note that I am not a licensed veterinarian and that any correspondence I do will provide you with information based on my expertise and training and research knowledge. I hold an advanced veterinary homeopathy qualification (D.I.Hom) from British Institute of Homeopathy, and I am also a tutor for veterinary homeopathy - prevously for BIH/USA - and currently at my own school, IVYHOM. (PLease write for details if interested.)
It would be your choice and responsibility as to how you might use any information which I could provide to you by email.
I am in Washington state USA, where the definition of the practise of veterinary medicine precludes anyone who is not a licensed vet from writing prescreiptions, or from diagnosing, prognosing or treating disease - or from offering to do so (except gratuitously to help an animal owner treating their own animal.).
Homeopathy does none of these practice of medicine things as it builds health and does not have anything to do with any disease that may be present - it cannot treat, prognose, diagnose or prescribe for disease.
Thankfully, preventing disease and building health of animals is not prohibited for non-vets, by WA veterinary practice law.
Also anyone may legally practice veterinary medicine on their own animal - or to help someone gratuitously (free) to do so.
If a fee is charged, it is apparently not safe any more, unless a veterinarian does it and gets the fee.
[WA statutes are all on line if you want to google the details and see exact wording of what I paraphrased as best I can of what rules apply to me. They do not apply to you unless you just happen to live in WA. ]
I provide the above as I wish to be clear that I offer specific services that are not those suited only to the veterinary profession in this state of WA.
I am happy to answer questions with suitable information, and to explain what homeopathy is about, etc.
My objective is to put you in a position of strength to make good decisions about health care for your animal, towards building up good health, including by homeopathy.
(Please remember any medical condition needs a licensed veterinarian.)
The articles linked from this page are written by myself, and are for your use as you see fit. There are no guarantees as to any accuracy - these are my personal opinions and are based on my reading of information I have researched. The articles are opinions for international consumption, and should not be construed as more than a free speech opinion of mine.
I hope you find them useful and enjoy them.
Please let me know if there are other articles you'd like to see.
I am and have been studying veterinary homeopathy and I do hold advanced qualification in this area, as well as the degree of Bachelor fo Scinence in Zoology and Microbiology, plus graduate studies i medical school. I also operate a school of advanced homeopathy, IVYHOM.
Regardless of what's going on at the time - homeopathy helps the body to re-establish itself into a position of strength.
Does your cat/dog need a safe Bach remedy to engender positive feelings?
Click on Sindri to see how this might be helpful.
(Back remedies are not supplied by Furry Boots. Good Health food stores carry them.... the information here is to help you make good decisions about their use.)
Frigga invites you to see
the main Norwegian Forest Cat Web Page
Furry Boots Norwegian Forest Cats
(Furry Boots is not longer breeding Norwegian Forest Cats.)
Please note that it is often impossible to reply to aol email addresses so I suggest if you use aol that you contact me from any other email address, (perhaps a free yahoo email.)
If that email does not work (happens sometimes, wish cyberstuff was more robust) please use the following email instead or as well.