Ferret Frolics
My Favorite Things
- Mom and Dad
- Hammocks
- Tubes
- Linatone (diluted of course)
- raisins
- banana
- trouble
My Favorite Links
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Danny's cool animated images page where tigger. parrot and Sylvester come from
Ribbon crafting with Nathiel, Sandy and Margie
Pergamano, 15th century parchment craft
ferret items
Our bestest fuzzy buddies
more fuzzies like us
Welcome, glad you could stop by and visit us here. We live in Florida with
mom and dad (the two legged ones)We spoil them something awful but they are
worth it. We run and play real hard all day and mom picks up after us. We
have a 1.5' X 2' X 6" pool and a sand box out on the porch that was built
for us so we wouldn't get hurt and couldn't get out and get lost. We have a
ferret door so we can go in and out of the house to the porch when mom and
dad are home. Of course we are just little so when they have to go somewhere
we have to come in. There are 11 of us at this time, yeah well, mom and dad
take everyone in. We recently adopted Sebastian, Lacy and Allison from
some people in Georgia. Below there is Shiloh playing in the box our
remote control car came in. Mom said that is a fitting box for him (wonder
what she means?) The other photo is the twins, Stephanie and Penny. Our
poor Penny died a few months ago of cancer. That broke our hearts! Now we have
added the picture of Samantha when she was a tiny baby silver mitt. Then there is
the bathroom cabinet, mom and dad have never been able to put anything in it from
the first day they moved in. It is ours, all ours! Although they finally had to
bolt the top drawer shut because some one who shall remain nameless and happens
to be a white red eyed Amanda kept shoving the top drawer open and gettinng up to
the sink and throwing moms stuff on the floor. You know the story (one bad apple...)
Then there is Bitterman the cat and Elliott, they were the best of buds!!!
And of course up at the top, the tree. We didn't see mommy kissing Santa Claus
We saw Lissa kissing Pogo underneath the Christmas tree.
We recently got a bird too, an Indian Ring Necked Parakeet.
and we have 2 kitty cats.
We don't have a tigger, mom just liked the .gif
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Email: strawberryblonde@hotmail.com