The Haunted Mansion
The Haunted Mansion
Enter the realm of possibillities . . . a rusty, hinged door creaks open as you push forward into The Haunted Mansion. Beware travelers of the dark and ghostly path you are about to take. Only the strong of mind will survive! He! HE! HE!
Embark on your voyage down the dusty road to discovery, traveler. Journey on now and see the reports, investigations, the stories, & more as you visit my ghostly links. Come back and let me know what you think when you are through. Good Luck . . .
Ghosts, Demons, Spectres??
Accepting reality is accepting possibility of ghosts
Have you ever felt like someone was watching you . .
Have you ever felt a cold, tingling wash down your spine . .
Energy is never lost it just changes form like a soul wandering as a ghostly imprint of the living . .
Explore my dark halls...
And then on to...
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"Degree Programs Available Through Distance Education" webpage.
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