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Welcome To The Greater Jacksonville Coin Club


Information about our club and Upcoming Events:


  • Our club address: Greater Jacksonville Coin Club, Post Office Box 16863, Jacksonville, Florida 32245. For more information you may mail us at our address or use the e-mail address at the bottom of this page. All e-mail will be directed to the club.


  • If you would like to become a member of the Greater Jacksonville Coin Club please feel free to use the e-mail address at the bottom of this page and I will e-mail an application to you. Current membership dues are $10.00 for Regular Member, $5.00 for spouses, and $3.00 juniors. Your membership includes a monthly newsletter, a monthly membership meeting that is held the second Tuesday of every month. Currently the monthly meetings are held at The American Legion 3662 Spring Park Road at 7:00pm.


  • The GJCC has a rather extensive library for all active members to use. Make it a point to see our club librarian at the next meeting. Knowledge is the key.


  • Web Links (Our clubs favorite sites)



  • Information to help you when you visit Jacksonville.


Next club event will be the coin show held on June 1-3rd. Please contact myself or Doug if you are able to assist with the show. All forms of volunteers are needed. Thank you and see you there!

Notice the time change to 7p.m.


    Gold                    Silver

$  267.90                $    4.32

 (-  0.70)                ( -  0.01)


As always I encourage input about this page, in ways of improvement and any information which is provided by this page"

For problems or questions regarding this web contact


Last updated: May 14, 2001.


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