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The "I Hate Watashi Wa!" Fan Club

Heavens to Betsy! What is this page???!!!

Okay, you're thinking "Why would anyone hate those nice Watashiwa Boys?? (And for the record, they are very, very nice, ALL of them..) Maybe it is a reverse psychology know..what you think you hate, is really what you love?? Well, I don't hate Watashi Wa..I think Burl was the one who started the "I Hate Watashi Wa" Fan Club, but maybe it was Seth...Somehow I got coersed into joining....(by an actual member of the band!!) So, here I am...trying to create a page for the club, when I don't even know what HTML this page is basically crap.. 12/4 got a now i can put more pictures on this thing...there are some on now in go look at 'em.....

LOOK!! Never before seen PICTURES!!!

Why should you join the club?

*All proceeds go directly to um..Watashiwa....and um...
*You get to go around and say "Hey, I joined the 'I hate Watashi Wa fan club"

*All the kids will think you're cool. It's true. Heck, even Watashi Wa will think you're cool..
*You can actually use your fan club status on College Applications and Resume's.

Do you want the truth? Some reasons not to hate them:

*They love God
*They believe in fairies (well, some of them do...)
*They don't smoke crack
*They don't get drunk

Now, take a few moments to reflect upon Watashi Wa......

How do you feel? Guestbook by GuestWorld How do other folks feel?


Watashiwa...the boys we all know and love...
The Lane Biermann Fan Club
Noggin Toboggan
My Uncle's RC Car Engine Company
The Moon!!!
I like this band

C'mon kids, join today!!