Once again, here we are years later and again, an attempt to revive the website. It will never actually be revived, that much I have accepted finally. It has been four years since the above was written. So much has happened. Not the least of which that I was married and divorced, so my sense of humor may now be even more bitter than it was... sad really. Oh well, the same s*** is still funny, so here it is.Welcome to my World of Funny Stuff. Formerly known as the page of funny stuff, formerly known as the Page of Funny Crap, formerly known as the Page of Funny Shit. I think I'll do this renaming stuff when I have children too. Just once a year I'll suddenly start calling them something totally different.
Well, you won't believe this! I'm actually going to work on this website again! It's been two years since I wrote this:
Woooooohooooooo!!! Today I just checked in to see how ye olde web site was holding out, I have over 1,000 hits! It's a frickin' miracle!! I'm going to pass out. And I owe it all to myself for visting the site 80 times a day.... oh wait, no! Actually I am just joshing. I haven't worked on this website, or even looked at the stupid thing in forever. I'm so negligent... Is that how you spell negligent? Well, just wanted to tell everyone how ecited I am. And how I can't type. (ecited = excited) See, I would just go up and add an 'x' and avoid the ridicule of the masses, but I'm pretty lazy. You know.
Something you may or may not have noticed...
My website is slowly becoming one gigantic infomercial. Cometzone cursors, giant Angelfire logos that serve as wallpaper, my quiz thing, my guestbook, everything is advertise, advertise, advertise. I would just like to point out at this time that the selling out of this web page is not my idea of a great time. Angelfire is one gigantic sellout, and I give in to peer pressure.. No! I'm too poor to afford anything much else, and far too lazy to move the site even if I did suddenly strike it rich. At this point the nice thing to do would be apologize. Instead I'll laugh hysterically.Well, the old page is still one gigantic infomercial. Some things just never change. Except for me updating this site. I swear I'm really going to this year. And maybe, after 3 years of waiting, that Christmas fun may just really come down the pipe. But I wouldn't hold my breath...
In cool stuff you'll find various humor, Dave Barry columns, and the famous Darwin Awards.
on 12/05. now with new pics!!
Both the 'Quiz of Wonderment' and 'Guestbook of Suffering' no longer work thanks to BeSeen. I strongly encourage you to hate and say foul things about BeSeen.
Take my fantastic Quiz of WondermentThe NEW and IMPROVED Conan O'Brien Altar!
The popularity of Star Wars has influenced everything I think.
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