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Conan O'Brien: King of Late Night

For those of you who are unaware, Conan O'Brien is just a god or something of comedy. If you don't watch his show on NBC it's most likely because you're a cracker, which is my insult word for the week. So! He is a very funny guy and very, very smart. I personally worship him. I would love to some day be like him. Except, I'm 5 foot and he's 6'4" I believe. And he has blue eyes which I would kill to have.

And what a man. Let's sum him up: He's funny, tall, very smart, very cute, famous, and quite rich. I'm not seeing downsides folks. I don't think I can really explain his charisma. It must be viewed to be believed. Which is why you should watch his show. Ironically enough, it's called Late Night with Conan O'Brien . It's on at 12:30, or after Jay Leno every night. Monday nights are always repeats, which makes me want to curse. But Tuesday through Friday is the real deal.

The show is taped in New York, which is (are you ready for a coincidence?), Where Conan lives. Wanting some background info on the man? Well, he was born on April 18,1963 in Brookline, Mass, the 3rd of 6 kids. He went to Harvard and studied history and english. He graduated top of his class. At Harvard he worked on the schools paper. He was a writer for Saturday Night Live for a while. Apparently everyone gets their start at Saturday Night Live.

He won an Emmy for Comedy writing, because he is really funny. And if you don't believe me, he wrote for the Simpsons and the "Springfield gets a monorail" episode he wrote all by himself. And it's a really good episode. You should see it if you haven't. He actually dated Lisa Kudrow from Friends for a while. It was before Friends, but that is neither here nor there. He is currently dating Lynn Kaplan, the talent booker for Late Night. She is on my hit list. just kidding ya'll. OH! and he has a Land Rover. =)

Well, there are a lot of sites out there that have, like, large amounts of info and, rather than belching it all back up here (and I could tell you much more), I am working as a referencee. No I'm not totally sure that referencee is a word. So for more on Conan visit the links.

The Links

The Official NBC site
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