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This page is dedicated to Dawn Lyn.

Not only are we Leif fans, we are Dawn Lyn fans. She is a very talented actress who is best known for her role as Dodie in "My Three Sons" (so I guess we were really fans of Dawn before we were fans of Leif) . It seems like only yesterday that we'd come home from school and plop down on the couch or the floor to watch "My Three Sons". Dawn has also co-starred in several motion pictures including all three "Walking Tall" movies, "Devil Times Five", and "Shootout". Her television appearances include "Wonder Woman", "Emergency", "Gunsmoke", "Born Free", and "Marcus Welby, MD", just to name a few.

These days Dawn lives in a California beach town. She keeps busy on many different projects, one of which is her own website (we've included the link below). It is a great site, and you can even order an autographed photo from her Dodie days or a more recent photo.

We dedicated this page to Dawn Lyn not only for her accomplishments, but because she is a down-to-earth, wonderful person with a beautiful heart. We wanted to show her how much we all care about her and how much she has touched our hearts over the years.

So, thank you, Dawn Lyn!

Dawn Lyn Links

Dawn Lyn's Website at: TVmemories; Dawn Lyn
My Three Sons
TV Toys
TV Land