After countless hours on the web, I noticed many pages devoted to the "best" anime characters of all time. Far too few of these pages dealt with the (far more entertaining) task of listing the complete opposite: the most obnoxious characters.
So, being the catty person I am, I have decided to correct this situation with "Baka Baka"... the Ruri Hoshino way of stating "too many idiots"... a webpage devoted to exposing anime shmoes for what they are. While currently I have mainly males on this site, I'll be working on expanding the females section soon.
I'll accept nominations at . Just send me the name of the character, the show they're from, and the reason they must be inshrined in this mall of shame.
So far I have three main nomination catagories, but feel free to add suggestions for others as well.
I'd also like to remind you to take this page with a grain of salt. I've gotten quite a few complaints about the site being mean. The site is all in good fun though and it's ment to be a joke, not something serious. If you see a character you love on here, just laugh it off... we all have to defend characters we like sometimes. There are some characters on this site that even I like, but someone else didn't and had some funny points so I put them up anyway. The page here is ment for enjoyment purposes... not to personally mess with anyone's head.
Update: July 30, 2002.... Now that I have a bit less school (only taking 1 summer class right now) I've finally gotten around to updating thins page with some nominations that have been sitting in my email inbox for months. New to baka Baka are:
Also, I've gotten some questions about Tiger Tail ice cream since I use it as a punishment so much. Want to know more about it? Visit "Tiger Tail Torture". Another new addition is the links page that will bring you a plethora of pages about characters and things about anime that annoy other people enough that they too made their own site about it. See below for the link.