History of the property:
Overlook Bed and Breakfast
Cooperstown NY, USA

1768- (June 10) George Croghan and others acquire Otsego Patent from the Iroquois Indians.

1785- William Cooper purchases part of Otsego Patemnt from Croghan

1820's- (probably 1828) William H. Averill acquires land from William Cooper estate

1836- (April 7) Averill sells one acre of land to Maria (mary?) Clinton:
"...beginning thrity-seven links (ca. 24.5 feet) north from a lot heretofore sold by Peter Goodsell to Jonathan Burrel and now owned by L. McNamee and running from thence notherly one chain and fifty links (ca. 9 feet) on said Pine Street. Thence westerly six chains and fifty links (ca. 429 feet) to a stake and stone. Thence southerly 20 degrees west one chain and fifty links (ca. 99 feet) to an alley. There easterly along said alley six chains and fifty links (ca. 429 feet) to the place of beginning the same more or less. $350

1844- (Aug 1) Eliah P. Byram purchases land (one acre and premises) from Clinton for $550.

ca. 1845- House built on property by Byram. Photo in Special Collections, New York State Historical Association Library.

1853- (Oct 1) Byram sells property to james C. and Hannah Bush for $1500.

1856- (April 18) Advertisement for the Bush house in The Freeman's Journal (page 3, column 6):
"The Subscriber offers for Sale his premises on which he resides on Pine Street favorable known as the recent residence of Dr. E.P. Byram. The lot contains one acre of ground on a pleasant elevation, with a commanding view of the entire lake, Mount Vision, etc. There are on it nearly one hundred thrifty bearing fruit trees of 12 years growth, consisting of six varieties of cherries, pears, twenty of apples... and a unique arbor recently built at an expense of $50.00... A well excellent water witha pump. Also a cistern and a pump. The house is in good repair, one and a half stories high, 30 by 32 on the ground, with an addition of 13 by 26 feet in the kitchen, pantries and so forth. It stands about 50 feet from the street, a flower garden tastefeully arranged in front, with a great variety of ornamental shrubs. The carriage house, stable, woodhouse, ice house, cow shed, fowl yard and all are attached, convenient and in excellent order. The stable stone upon two sides, is arranged for four horses. There are four acres of pasture adjoining which can probable had lease. Enquire of owner, James C. Bush"

1860- (Jan 5) Mortgaged by Bush to Eliza C. Korehouse for $650.

1860's- Occupied by Elisha Doubleday

1862- (April 21) Sold by Bush to Fannie G. Bolles for $1200.

1863- (Feb 11) Sold by Luzerne M. and Fannie G. Bolles to Thomas Clark for $1500.

1863- (Feb 12) Sold by Clark to Henry F. Phinney

1869- (July 7) Phinney sells property for $3000 to Evelyn Edick

1880- (Nov 5) Edick sells to John G. Fowler for $3000 original one acre plus a 19 acre parcel acquired from lot sold by Henry F. Phinney to Joshua H. Story (July 6, 1869) and by Story to Fowler.

1886- (Feb 23) John G. and Emma Fowler sell to Erastus F. Beadle for $4000 original one acre of property plus 19 acres acquired with it.
Beadle also acquires parcel approx. 429 feet back from Pine Street, now on Nelson Ave., from Carter, AND
(March 22) From George Coburn, a tringular parcel 20 feet (facing Pine street) by 116 feet by 112 feet to the south of main property, for $1000.

1886/1887- Demolition of original Byram house.

1888- (May 5) Otsego Farmer article states:
"Mr. E.F. Beadle's new cottage on Pine street, is called 'Overlook Cottage.'"

1887(Oct 1)- 1893 (Jan 18) Parcel acquired from Carter in 1886 sold off to Samuel J.W. Reynolds and to Harvey K. Bowdish; present west boundary of the property.

1889-1893- 1889--parcels acquired to south of main property from MCCabe and from Coburn and later 91893) from M. Therese Cote.
November 3, 1893 sold to Converse for $6000, now more or less lot of #10 Pine Boulevard (following adjustments in 1931)

1890's House occupied by William Festus Morgan. (Otsego Farmer, October 15, 1897)

1894- (Feb 18) Beadle dies, leaving house and property to his daughter, Sophia B. Beadle Raymond.

1897- (Oct 3) Raymond sells house and property to George B. Woodman. Part of the deed reads:
"...The party of the firt part hereby reserves the right to remove the henhouses now standing on the rear of the above described lot on or before the first day of May 1898. This conveyance also carries with the house all chandeliers and gas fixtures now in the house on the premises."

Second party assumes mortgage of $5500 to James Bunyan.

1915- George B. Woodman dies, leaving property to his brothers, Thaddeus F. and Charles William Woodman, and to Charles' wife Minnie L. Woodman

1916- (April 13) The Woodman siblings sell the house and property to George H. and Minnie Marsh White for $121,857.25.

1917- Extensive alterations made on the house. Blueprints showing changes now in possession of the owners, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Copies made by Paul J. Malcolm, May 1975, in NYSHA Library, Special Collections, and NYSHA Archive.

1919- (Dec 11) Susan M. Brady sells to Whites a parcel of land, 23' 4" by 99" 6" by 99' 6" adjoining northwest corner of main propoerty.

1931- (dec 4) South boundary fixed by party-line agreement and quit claim deed between George H. and Minnie March White, and Fannie M. Converse. Land surveyed by Lynn G. Parchall and recorded in Otsego County Clerk's Offices.

1936- (Jan 23) Last will and testament of George H. White leaves property of house to Minnie Marsh White.

1946- (Aug 20) Minnie Marsh White commits suicide by hanging in a room of the top floor of the house. House and property left to Stella Hodge by Mrs. White's will.

1968- (Jul 15) Stella Hodge sells house and property to Hugh R. and Irene S. Williams.

1973- (Aug 3) Williams sell house to John and Gayl S. Smith, owners as of today.