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~~HaNsOn Discoveries~~

This is how fans like you found out about the group HaNsOn...I discovered Hanson way back in the summer of '97. I was in the car with my dad listening to the radio when "Mmmbop" came on. At first I was like, "this song is kinda stupid." but not too long after it got stuck in my head and I caught myself humming it over and over. So, I finally gave in and bought Middle Of Nowhere. I searched through all the songs and found "With You In Your Dreams". At first I thought it was a song about someone leaving someone in the morning.... but when I flipped through the lyrics I noticed it was a song about their grandmother. I thought that was the sweetest thing in the world. I think it was that first time that I listened to Middle Of Nowhere that I realized, "whoa...these guys are awesome."

Well everyone in my school where talking about HANSON HANSON MMMBOP MMMBOP and I was like o that song is ok but I was in my basement watching MTV and they started to play MMMBOP and I was like heah that keyborader is kinda cute and then I was in the car and i was talking to my dad about them and I said you know i haven't herd that song in awhile. And then it came on ever scence im crazy over them! *No name given*

I first heard Hanson only a few months ago. My friend is a Hanson fanatic, I thought they were really dorky, so I pretty much made fun of her for liking them. Then I was at her house and was playing around with her cd player. I put it on random play and "Weird" came on. I've been a fan ever since. *Angela*

I'm a reformed Hanson-hater. When I first heard Mmmbop, I made up my mind that they were freaks. But, last winter I'd been having a lot of problems.. My friend gave me a tape she said might help me. It only had one song on it, "I Will Come To You". It did help me a lot, and was I surprised when I found out it was Hanson! *Marie*

I was having a lot of problems last summer. My best friend, the person I trusted my life too, was in bad shape. She had started using heavy drugs, trying to run away, sleeping around, and trying to commit suicide. She lives across the country, and I never get to see her. I was not who I wanted to be in life. I was quiet, reserved, and I had no one to talk to, no one to tell my problems to. I knew who could possibly be good friends, but at that point I was to scared of rejection to talk to them. My grandfather recently passed on, in a horrible way, with a lot of pain and suffering. I was a mess, I had so many problems, and no way to deal with it, I considered commiting suicide several times, and even tried it once. In one of my lower moments, I turned on MTV, to see a group of blond kids singing an upbeat tune. I heard the lyrics "You have so many relationships in your life, only one or two will last, you go through all this pain and strife, but you turn your back and their gone so fast." I burst out in tears, and wondered how one line of one song, could capture where my life was at that point. I got the MON album, and listened to every song carefully. I realized that there was depth behind those words, they were not just empty lyrics like so many of the *popular* bands at that time. Hanson helped to realize that no matter what happened, I can be strong, I can be me. I started getting into singing, and realized that I have a talent. Since then I have joined a small band, and have found a good way to vent my feelings, through my voice. Since then, I have lost my best friend, my grandfather, and most importantly, I have lost my urge to commit suicide. Hanson has saved me from so much, if I had never turned the TV on that day, to hear those heavenly voices singing their insperational song, I'm not sure where I would be today. Hanson are my angels, my saviors, and for that I am so grateful. *Rachel*

I never was an MMMBop fan, to tell you the truth I didn't care for Hanson much when MMMbop first came out. I guess I had the same stereotypes that many haters have, that their ages and there then young voices made them not a truley good band. It took some time but I was able to overcome my stupid stereotypes and by the time of WTL, I was a fan. I rememember the first time it clicked. My friend and I were watching MTV and neither of us had seen the WTL for a few hours(which was very unusual then). I began to crave to see it, when I got home and the video finally played I found myself liking them more and more. I quickly went out to buy the CD and the rest is history, I have been a devoted fan for a year and a half now. *Smita*

I was watching MuchMusic one day and I seen the video MMMBop. I had heard of them but kept wondering wheres the middle brother and whos the girl? But I clued in. First time I saw them I was like they suck. But then a few days later I was at my friends house and she put on the CD. I fell in love. Ever since I've been hooked. *Jill*

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