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Why HaNsOn

I like Hanson because of, well, the whole Hanson reasons. They give out good vibes. They're music is so inspirational and, I admit it, because they are three very good looking guys. I love how they're so dedicated to their music and to their fans. I think they are such sweet guys and I would give anything to meet them. I've never been this crazy about a band, I never take Middle Of Nowhere,Snowed In,Live From Albertane,3 Car Garage out of my cd player. These three guys are the most talented, and wholesome band I've seen in a while, and truthfully, I'm glad music is getting away from dark and depressed stuff, over to more Hanson-like stuff. I don't really have much else to say, because, like you, I love Hanson for their music and for their style. They are three very talented, good-looking guys.byebyes ~~~~*Tasha*~~~~

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