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Shamia's BSB Page: Strictly for the BSB Crazy!!

Welcome to Shamia's Backstreet Boys page! I just started this thing, so there isn't anything on it right now. It should be ready soon, so I really do hope that you will come back and visit. Thank You All!!! P.S. This page is dedicated to Nickolas Gene Carter (my husband-kidding!), and the four other guys known as:Brian(B-Rok), Howie-D.(Latin Lover), A.J.(Bone)-my second husband , and Kevin(Train).I dedicate this page to the BSB as my way of saying thank you for making such beautiful music for me(and others) to enjoy!

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****NOTICE****: Thank you Liza for the picture on my page, and I am looking for people who are not new to this stuff(making pages)to help me. I really don't know what I should do, or what I should put on my page. I really desperately want pictures,but I do not have access to a color scanner. I don't have access to any scanners at all. If someone would like to help me, please e-mail me! Thank you!! Oh- I will give everyone who helps special credit on my page! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
Love Always-nicksmyheart(Shamia Martinez)

June- Backstreet Boy of the Month: AJ McLean

Anywhere For Backstreet!!:My Favorite Links :)

The Official Backstreet Boys Homepage
Da Rok Zone! Sirja's B-Rok Littrell Page
Home of the Backstreet Girls
A.J.'s Paradise!
Stephie&Sophie's Backstreet Hangout
Marta's Backstreet Boys Homepage(in Spanish)
The Singapore Backstreet Boys Homepage
MTV Online ( I just like it there!)
Kiss 95.7... Visit my favorite radio station!
Rick Dee's weekly Top 40-Check the guys' position on the charts this week!
KC's Nick Carter Homepage... How thoughtful of her to create that page for me!! He's MINE!!!!!
Backstreet Boys On the Net
