Shamia's BSB Page: Strictly for the BSB Crazy!!
Welcome to Shamia's Backstreet Boys page! I just started this thing, so there isn't
anything on it right now. It should be ready soon, so I really do hope that
you will come back and visit. Thank You All!!!
P.S. This page is dedicated to Nickolas Gene Carter
(my husband-kidding!), and the four other guys
known as:Brian(B-Rok), Howie-D.(Latin Lover),
A.J.(Bone)-my second husband , and Kevin(Train).I dedicate this
page to the BSB as my way of saying thank you
for making such beautiful music for me(and others)
to enjoy!
My Guestbook
My Guestbook

****NOTICE****: Thank you Liza for the picture on my page, and I am looking for people who are not new to this stuff(making
pages)to help me. I really don't know what I should do, or what I should put on
my page. I really desperately want pictures,but I do not have access to a color
scanner. I don't have access to any scanners at all. If someone would like to
help me, please e-mail me! Thank you!! Oh- I will give everyone who helps
special credit on my page! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
Love Always-nicksmyheart(Shamia Martinez)
June- Backstreet Boy of the Month: AJ McLean
- Full Name: Alexander James McLean
- Birthdate: January 9, 1978
- Hair Color: Brown
- Eye Color: Brown
- Favorite Food: McDonald's Dbl. QPC meal w/ iced tea
- Favorite Color: Yellow
- Dream Girl: Me...just kidding. Gwen Stefani of No Doubt
- They call AJ Mr. Romantic. He's a real sweetheart...he'll buy you roses, and he might even get down on one knee to serenade ya!!!
- AJ's always changing his look. One day he'll sport an afro w/ mad red curls, the next he'll have his hair all braided up in dread locks! One thing's for sure, he loves attention and knows how to go about getting it!
- AJ says his perfect Valentine's getaway would be to take that special someone away on a trip.
- What's the first thing AJ notices in a girl?
- Did you know...that AJ used to smoke?
Anywhere For Backstreet!!:My Favorite Links :)
The Official Backstreet Boys Homepage
Da Rok Zone! Sirja's B-Rok Littrell Page
Home of the Backstreet Girls
A.J.'s Paradise!
Stephie&Sophie's Backstreet Hangout
Marta's Backstreet Boys Homepage(in Spanish)
The Singapore Backstreet Boys Homepage
MTV Online ( I just like it there!)
Kiss 95.7... Visit my favorite radio station!
Rick Dee's weekly Top 40-Check the guys' position on the charts this week!
KC's Nick Carter Homepage... How thoughtful of her to create that page for me!! He's MINE!!!!!
Backstreet Boys On the Net
Email: shamiaone@aol.com