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History of Our Lord Toku
History of Our Lord Toku

Monkey Clan Letters
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"The lands to the east of the Shinomen Forest shall be the domain of the Monkey Clan, and your palace shall be built by Crane gold." - Toturi I

From the side, the Monkey clan charged, Toturi's name echoing from the high cliff walls. Only Toku stood apart, searching for the reason behind the Emperor's brutal command.

"The Emperor may be dead, but his honor will live on forever." - Toku

"Naga have bows you say?" Toku smiled grimly, "I never noticed."

"The field was covered in their hatred, but he looked at me with calm eyes. 'The Akasha moves within me,' whispered the Asp general, and then, with his death, faded into dust." - Toku

"I must not stop. I cannot rest. The empire is at stake and any man can make a difference." - Toku

"The evil we face is not a God, it is a man. And one man can undo what another has done." - Toku

"Eight great clans and fourteen minor. What an age, when men can raise themselves so high." - Toku

"Don't tell me you cannot trust an Oni. You can always count on it losing control." - Toku

"I was once like you," Toturi once said to Toku. Toku smiled and said,"And you still can be."

"Toku was not born a samurai. He made himself one through effort and force of will. That alone makes him worthy, and I will follow him." - Tzurui

"The skies tear open, and the winds howl for blood. Tonight, my friends, the dead make deals with the Shadow." - Tzurui

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