General Information

2000 Yacht Club Officers

Charter and Bylaws

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Meetings & Socials

Diego Garcia Windsurfing

George Gesner, rigs a Dart
for a Sunday Regatta.

Diego Garcia Yacht Club

is a non-profit organization, "Special Interest Group" under the Diego Garcia Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) program.

All photos by Gloria J. Barry
For more info, click on the photo.

1st place, Captain Cup Lazer Class Paul Darling
and Fred Mulhern display T-shirt & NAF Dollars.

Yacht Club outdoor deck renovation project is COMPLETE... a Self-help project!.

"Welcome new Commodore and Vice Commodore".
Aerial view of Yacht Club and Marina area.
Windsurfing Sprint Race INFO & results.
The results of the 1999 Chagos Challenge are here.
Windsurfing info page here !
We are looking for COMMITTEE CHAIRPEOPLE (Check out our Officers page)
Looking for a SHIPMATE!Try Sailor Search,search here.
SOON photos & A STEP BACK IN TIME @ the Yacht Club, "MEMORIES PIXS"
Can you say TOGA TOGA TOGA, Soon pixs of members dressed in costume.

"Enjoy audio,Download Crescendo!"

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Photos | Yacht Club info | Windsurfing | Orders to DG | Yacht Clubs Worldwide | Links | Terminology

Diego Garcia Yacht Club
PSC 466 Box 28
FPO AP, 96595-0028
Fax: 011-246-370-4413

Diego Garcia Yacht Club

Last updated: 1/24/2000 -------(Reload or Refresh NOW !)

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