It will be a fun day
Fun day, fun day
It will be a fun day
All day long.
Let's sing a song of(color)today
Sing a song of(color)day
Sing it all day long.
Jump, jump, jump for red,
Turn around and hands on head.
Jump, jump, jump for red,
Turn around and stoop down dead.
Hop, hop, hop for black,
Bend to the front and bend to the back.
Hop, hop, hop for black,
Now hop to the ground and freeze in the act.
Run, run, run for blue,
Stoop to the ground and touch your shoe.
Run, run, run for blue,
Now stop in your tracks and point to you.
Orange prints with paint using different types of foods that are the color orange.
Find hidden objects that are orange.
Play Orange, Orange, whose got the orange.
Squeeze oranges for juice.
Plant the seeds from the oranges.
Plant carrot seeds and carrot tops.
Make suns on popsicle sticks.
Taste mustard, lemon, and cornbread
Read the book Curious George & The Man In The Yellow Hat
SUN ROCKS-Mix powdered yellow paint with salt or sand, pour into shakers. Give each child a rock with a smooth surface. Use Q-Tips to draw sun on the rocks with glue; then sprinkle the yellow sand or salt over the glue.
SUNFLOWERS-Paint paper plates yellow. While still wet, press yellow tissue/crepe paper around the edges to create petals. When the paint is dry, glue sunflower seeds in the center. Then attach stems.
LEMON PRINTING-Cut lemons in half, let the surface ddry. Put lemons in yellow paint, press on white paper.
SUNNY SCULPTURES-Dip pieces of yellow yarn into glue and water. Then arrange the pieces on sheets of wax paper. Let dry for several days; then peel off the waxed paper and hang from the ceiling or window.
CORNCOB PAINTING- Roll the corn cobs in yellow paint, then roll on to the paper.
DANDELION FUN- Go on a walk to look for dandelions. Dig up a dandelion and take back to school. Replant and care for it.
BANANA PUDDING- 1 Tbsp. instant pudding in baby food jars. Add 2 Tbsp. cold milk. Put on the lids, shake for 45 seconds. Then let the children eat. Can add slices of bananas.
PINEAPPLE MILKSHAKES- In a blender, 1 c. unsweetened pineapple juice, 1/4 c. dry non-fat milk, 1 small sliced banana, 1 tsp. vanilla. Mix together. Makes 4 servings.
PURPLE FLUFF- 1/4 c. water, sprinkle 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin. Stir and let set for 5 minutes. Add 3/4 c. boiling water, stir until gelatin is dissolved. Pour mix into blender add one 6 oz. frozen grape juice. Blend well, pour into small cups. Chill for 15 minutes. Makes 4 servings.
PURPLE RAIN- Have the children dip large paint brushes into runny purple paint. Then push their brushes against the paper and watch the purple rain.
GRAPE PRINTS- Wrap a rubber band or tape around three toliet paper tubes, then let the children dip in purple paint and press on paper.
Examine a eggplant.
Print grapes with round carrot circles and purple paint.
Shred and taste purple cabbage.
RED COLLAGES- Let the children go through magazines to find red things.
RED LEAF SPLATTER PAINT- Put a leaf on the paper. Dip toothbrush in red paint and rub the tongue depressor across toothbrush to splatter the paint, remove leaf and let dry.
RED COLOR SCOPE- Have the children paint toliet paper tubes red, when dried, cover one end of the tube with red cellophane (4" square) secure with rubber band.
TOMATO JUICE- In blender, i small can of tomatoes, a squeeze of lemon juice, a dash of salt and three curshed ice cubes. Makes 4 servings.
Snack on strawberries, apple slices and tomato soup.
Play Red Rover.
MARBLE PAINTING- Have a circle cut out to fit the bottom of a pie pan. Put in spoonfuls of blue paint. Give child 1 to 2 marbles to roll back and forth.
FISH TANK- Fill a plastic pop bottle 1/4 full of water, add drops of blue food coloring and a drop of liquid detergent. Pour in some sand or aquarium gravel. Blow up 2 small balloons, release most of the air, then tie the ends. Push the balloons into the bottle and screw on the cap.
BLUE MYSTERY BOX- Cover a box with blue paper. Before grouptime hide a blue object inside the box. Say "There is something inside this box that is blue. What do you think it might be?"
Use blue aquaruim gravel for the sensory table.
Fingerpaint blue ocean waves.
Taste blueberry yogurt.
GREEN BERRY BASKET PRINTS- Dip these baskets in green paint and press on paper.
HANDPRINT ALLIGATORS- Put green paint on the palm of the child's hand. On a sheet of black paper lay hand on it sideways. Then paint on the body, add teeth, then dip a cork into pink and press on head.
SCENTED HERB BOOKS- Make a 4 page book. Set out containers of parsley, sage, oregano, thyme and bay leaves.
Make prints with green vegies and paint.
Plant grass seed in green containers.
Taste green bagels, honey dew melons.
Glue dired split peas on green paper plates.
Make an all green salad (lettuce, spinach, chives, sprouts, cucumbers, zucchini and green peppers).
Fingerpaint with wwhite shaving cream.
Make mashed potatoes.
Draw with white chalk on black paper.
Use a bar of Ivory Soap as a floating toy.
Taste grated coconut.
Print wheels with spools and black paint.
Make burn't match snacks by placing black olives on the end of carrot sticks.
Make copies of pictures by drawing on black carbon paper.
TEXTURE COLLAGE- black sand paper, velveet, plastic, etc. on black paper plates or paper.