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SENSE OF TASTE- Give the children different foods to taste: salted crackers and potato chips for salty; grapes and raisins for sweet; lemon slices and sour pickles for sour. Taste different kinds of apples. Which apples are sweet; which ones are sour. What foods taste good on apples; cottage cheese and chopped apples, cheese slices, and yogurt. Record the favorite combinations on an experience chart.

SENSE OF HEARING- Ask each child for "homework" to bring in something that makes noises. Ask them to keep their noisemakers a surprise by bringing them in a bag. One by one, ask the children to share their noisemakers with the class in a way that the noisemaker cannot be seen. Ask other children to guess what the noisemaker is.

SENSE OF SMELL- Have the children take turns wearing a blindfold or closing their eyes tightly while you or other children give them interesting things to identify by smell. Try bananas, peanut butter, lemon, oranges, a candy cane, and coconut.


1/2 cup of water, 1 1/2 cups of cornstarch. Pour cornstarch into a bowl. Slowly add the water and stir. Let the children handle the mixture. If they knead it, what happens? Ask the children how it feels. Is it soft? Is it hard?.

CIRCLE TIME FUN- Have the children speak into a tape recorder, one at a time, and then play it back. See if they can pick out their own voice. You may also tape every day household noises and then play them back for the children. Have the children guess what sound they are hearing. Take a sound walk around the playground or through the hallways at school. Ask the children what sounds they hear.

FEELIE BOX- Prepare a feelie box. Have the children take turns placing their hands in the box and guessing what the object is soft, hard, etc., then naming the object.

SMELL CANS- Introduce the children to different smells. Make smell containers. Use small bottles with lids and put cotton balls in the bottles saturated with a scent. Possible scents to use include perfume, vanilla extract, and shaving lotion. You may also chop uo small pieces of onion.

SHAKE CANS- Take three 35mm film containers and fill one with pennies, one with sand, and one with marbles, put lid on. Shake each container to try and guess what is in the container.

EXPLORING TEXTURES- Make small pillows out of different textures of fabric. For example, you could make pillows out of nylon, cotton, corduroy, fake fur, flannel and denim. Have the children feel the different texture pillows. Encourage them to describe each one on how it feels to them.

HANDS ON TEXTURES BULLETIN BOARD- Cut a sheet of poster board into the shape of a hand, and mount it on the wall. Encourage the children to bring in fabrics and papers with interesting textures. Attach these items to the hand cutout to form a texture collage.

FIND THE CLOCK- This activity provides a means to use the ears. By listening carefully, the children attempt to locate the source of sound that has been carefully hidden in the room. Hurry and find the clock before the alarm goes off and wakes the baby! The baby has been put down for a nap. Mother suddenly remembers that the alarm clock is set to ring in 5 minutes. She begins to search for the clock, but can't find it anywhere. Let's help her find it before the alarm goes off. The clock should be set and hidden in the room. It does not have to be visible. However it should be audible when the children get close to it. If the alarm goes off before the clock is found, try again.

MYSTERY NOSES- Take close-up snapsots of the children's faces. After the film is devloped, ake ach phots and frame it with paper so that the only visible thing is the nose. Show one of the framed pictures to the children. Let them choose who they think the mystery nose belongs to. Keep a tally of the choices. Now remove the frame.....were they right? You can also do their ears or their eyes.


Large bunch of grapes(at least 4 cups worth), 1 cup of sour cream, 1/2 cup brown sugar. Have the children pick four cups of grapes off the stems. Wash them. Mix the grapes together with the sour cream and brown sugar. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight. Serve in small cups.


I have eyes that can see
And a nose that can smell
I have fingers that can touch
And they do it very well
I have ears that can hear
And a tongue that can taste
These five things I should never waste.
