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Homeschooling Your
Vision Impaired Child


This is a new site you should check out frequently in the upcoming months. We do not plan to reinvent the wheel. We shall offer links to already existing resources for the homeschooled and traditionally schooled vision impaired student and information for vision impaired parents. There will be special links for those involved in homeschooling. Should you have an idea, interesting site, a need or comment of what you would like this site to include, please e-mail us today!

Some Resources

National Library Service - Provides recorded books (not text books) for children and adults with vision loss.
Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic - Provides recorded text books, stories/plays/novels to children and adults.
NATHHAN - NATHHAN is a Christian, non-profit organization dedicated to providing encouragement to families with special needs children who are homeschooling.
Vision Issues - a part of Parent's Place.Com This is a good BBS, but like most having to do with vision, it progresses slowly.
Resources for Teachers and Parents of Blind Kids-a good variety of information.

Have a Need? Got a Source to Share?
E-mail us with your query or suggestion.

Our Sites

Braille Talk
Mysteries of Math Revealed

Blindsite Links
Blindsite Homepage
Braille for Business

Education Links

Homeschooling Children with Special Needs
Kaleidoscapes for Homeschoolers
Kaleidoscapes' Special Needs Board
Homeschooling at Vegsource
