Welcome to the home of the :
South East Florida Divers
The South East Florida Divers Club is in its infancy. As a matter of fact, we are still in the process of attaining members. We are not the average dive club in that we will not restrict our activities to simply diving, while that still remains the main goal. We are also planning trips on a quarterly basis to the Fl.Keys and one annual trip to an overseas dive location. In addition to diving we will have occasional mixers where club members will come out for a night of fun and simply get to know each other.
In addition to diving for fun, we plan on participating in, if not organizing reef clean ups up and down the coast of Florida, as well as trying to educate people on the importance of preserving our oceans.
Our hope is to have a well rounded group of individuals who have similar interests come together to have fun and in the process give a bit back. We will also be introducing newcomers to the wonders of the ocean by having activities for skin divers and helping those interested through the transition from snorkel to S.C.U.B.A. Diving.
While having fun is of import to most of us who dive, it is infinitely more important that one can have fun without injury. With the proper training and more importantly common sense diving can be a great form of relaxation. For that reason we will also be constantly reminding our divers of the importance of following proper safety procedures while diving. It is out hope that through our efforts there will be little or no dive accidents within our ranks.
Now, a bit more in depth information:
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