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One day I was nothing,
no more than a thought.
Within your body I grew,
My Soul was caught.

One day I was taken,
How your heart did ache.
You prayed for my return,
The Soul you helped create.

One day I was found,
Not a moment too soon.
Rescued by Dad,
In the light of the moon.

One day a new stage in my life,
Full of Awe and Wonder.
That great place I entered then to learn,
Taught and guided by others.

One day "LIFE" descended upon me,
What a terrible Surprise.
How do I bear it, How do I cope,
My Broken Heart and Tears in my eyes.

One day I married a Wonderful Man,
I thought my life complete.
Not knowing then my GREATEST JOY,
I was yet to meet!

One day I gave Birth,
A Precious Face I did see.
Is this the JOY you felt,
When you had me?

One day I loved you,
And had you here with me.
Never once thinking of the day,
When you would have to leave.

One day you are my MOMMY,
The next ... You are gone.
Never realized before,
How you helped make me Strong!

One day I am fine,
My day pretty Normal.
But there are too many,
When I am still Mournfull!

One day I know,
That I too shall Ascend.
My time with you and God ...
I then shall Spend.

One day I loved you,
This much is true.
But never more than today,
Do I Love You!

By: Sharron Eloine
(C) November 24, 1998


KATHRYN VIRGINIA ... (Cathy) ...



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