"I, Charles Wells, do swear that I renounce and refuse all alleggiance to George the Third, King of Great Britain, his heirs and successors and that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the commonwealth of Virginia as free and independent state and that I will not at any time cause to be done any manner of thing that will be prejudicial or injurious to the freedom and independence there of as declared by congress. And also that I will discover and make known to some one Justice of the peace for said state all treason or traitorous conspiracies which I now or hereafter shall know to be formed against this or any of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, so help me God. October 6, 1777"
Welcome to our first attempt at a web page. We are just over two years old, but as always, we are under constuctionso please be sure to come back and see our progress.
Jasen, Paris, and Austin Wells, seven generations later wish to take their family history and make a cyber record of it. At this web site you will find an ancestry list of Wells men going back to the early 1700's which is where the research of their grandfather, Jack T. Wells, has been completed. Links on certain family members will be added as the site grows and is developed. Our research shows us that Charles Wells had 22 children, so that leads us to beleive that there many other Wells family members out there that can help us improve this site. Be sure to E-mail us if you have different information for us to post on the site. I am happy to report that we have started to receive E-mails from other Wells Family members, with some time I hope to be able to set up links to their sites and merge their information into this web site. I am also trying to figure out how to set up a zip file for download so that site viewers can share in family photos and documentation. We are lucky to have photo copies of many wills, land transfers, and bible records, and would be more than happy to share these with others who are interested.If you were wondering about the background we have used on this page. It is our Wells Family Crest. If you would like to have a full color copy of the crest, please contact me, and I will E-mail you a file with the crest on it, or you can download a zip file with the image from this site. Remember that this is a print quality file, so it is big, but worth it.
UPDATES: Last made March 3, 2004 We now have a
guest book,
by e-mail. I did not want to advertise for others, so this one is
homemade (lets hope it works)I have started getting a lot of E-mail from The
Wells of the World. Your E-mail has been so much fun to read and share with
my family. Sadly, due to a harddrive failure many letters were lost,
but I have now
finished a postings page with my first Wells E-mail, so keep sending them. We
have had to add a new Wells Post 2000 because our other one was too big for the
server to let it grow anymore,
so be sure to look at and added to
Wells Post 2000.
With all the great backgrounds of the many Wells family researchers, it's time to start really sharing the information. Let's find the common Wells that links us all. I have to say, that I was hoping for a better repsponse to the postings page. I like to have people say "Hi", but I was hoping for more questions, and photos. I have added typed copies of the wills for Lemual Wells, Charles Wells, and his son, Charles Prather Wells. Please send any and all Wells wills, I would like to post them, even if they are not my Wells family line. I am also working on the a "Women of the Wells Family", sends your facts and
stories. From everything I have read, every Good Wells man had an outstanding wife at his side, lets combine our efforts to post this information.
If it has been a while since you looked around, take a peek at the site we
have grown.
Thanks for your input.
Shawn, Jasen, Paris, & Austin
P.S. Links & Information Wanted: If you have a Wells web site or just want other Wells to E-mail you, contact us, so we can list you on our links area (soon to be its own page). Also we would like to have our web site (click here for the code) put as a link from other sites. We want to be able to have full exposure to everyone who might be looking for our information.
If you have Wells photos that you think we might like, send them with an E-mail and attach the file. In addition to photographs, we are looking for copies of birth records, and wills. I do have some of this, but have not be able to transfer all of it to some type of cyber file. So if you have already done it, save me some work. At this time I am setting up a Wells Will page, my plans are to post any and every Wells will sent to me. I think this will help others and make this site more interesting. So please e-mail me your Wells wills, it doesn't matter what branch of the Wells family tree you come from, lets post the data.
Our Favorite Links
Wells 1998 Christmas Letter
Jasen's Den
Paris on the Web
Austin's Area
Shawn's Place
World Wide Wells Web Page
Wells Family Research Association
Postings from Other Wells with questions or Comments
Wells Postings 2000
Wells related page
Another Wells Web Site to help build a college fund for some Wells kids