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The Simpson Family

Bart is the most mischeavious one of the group. He is always getting into trouble and always failing test. Here is a picture of him doing what he does best:

Homer is well not the brightest crayon in the box if you know what I mean. He tries his hardest to make family dicisions but they arn't always the best ones. He works at a nuclear power plant, where he sleeps all day.

Marge is the motherly type. She always worries about Bart, Lisa, Maggie, and Homer. Although she usually finds is fun to cut carrots she has had other more wild adventures in the past.

Lisa is by far the smartest of the group. She plays the saxophone and reads all the time. She is the best student at her school and once raised the schools GPA so high that they got a grant to buy new things, but thats because she had to cheat because she didn't study.(no picture avalible)

Maggie is the baby of the group. She is only two and already has an enemy, the baby with on eyebrow. She has gotten in some trouble in the past too, she shot Mr. Burns!

Santa's Little Helper
This is the family dog. They got him on Cristmas eve at a dog track.