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Butterfly's Palace.. =0)


Hellos there!!
*smiles at yas as me see yas walk into me wunderfool Palace* never thought me eyes would see yoos come here..but since yoos is here me will tell yoos a bit about mes place before yoos go any further..*smiles*

Wellies..this kan be a wunderfool place..or it kan be a dreadful place..depending on who yoos is and how yoos feel about different mes will warn yas now..if yoos get offended easily about different beliefs..(such as God)..then yoo may not want to stay here at me Palace..but if yoos think that peoples kan have different opinions on such things as gayness..prejeduce peoples..and *cough*..god..then yoo stay and have a wunderfool time..there is plenties to doos here..if yoos is lookin' foor graphics and sooch fer' yoor page..or midis..background..sets..than yoos has come to tha rite place..but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not leave me Palace with out sayin yer goodbyes and signing me guestbook..c'mon wont take to long..and the best thing is its is..oh a matter of fact EVERYTHING here is..and before me let yoo go wanderin into the great would like to give credit where credit is me would like to thak Mats (aka..crow) fer' helping me with the bootons..and me would like to think Janina fer' the background,bar..ext (Lord knows without yoo there would be a big white spot instead of a Palace) has said what me needed to say so me will let yoo continue..and please dont forget to sign me would love to hear what yoos think of me place..and soon me will be making a page with noothn but the best websites in it so if you would be kindly enoof to leave your url and lemme check it out me would appreciate it..*smiles at you and guides you into the main room of the palace*..have phun.. *giggles*..

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Yoo are the 'th person to kome to me website..hehe..
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