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"Mainly I write to clarify my thoughts and feelings and when I sing, I just concentrate on getting my point across. I just want to make a statement and make it right." - Fiona Apple

Welcome to my tribute to Fiona Apple, The greatest singer/song writer in the world! Here you will find pictures of Fiona and some information. Enjoy!

Fiona Apple feels that in music-any song, any style- there is no right and wrong, only true and false. If the music and lyrics are conceived out of honesty and if the production of the song goes along with its original message, then what has been expressed is art regardless of what anyone's opinion is of it. So things are a lot simpler if you just tell the truth.

Fiona was only 18 years old when she came out with her first album. But once you hear Tidal, Fiona Apple's debut album, you will know that those words come from a wisdom that is beyond age, that is inherent, incompromising and straight from the heart.

Although Fiona Apple is first and foremost a longsmith, her piano and haunting, dusky voice are the ultimate vehicles for her art. Fiona played piano since she was 8. She never concidered herself a singer, but a writer. She sings her songs because it wouldn't make sence if anyone else did.

While Fiona Apple's lyrics may be interpreted in many ways, the overriding message of her debut is that life is the sum of experience- painful and joyous, tangible and emotional, positive and negative. Her album is called Tidal partly because her fame hit her like a tidal wave but also because 'tidal' refers to ebbing and flowing, and that's really what life is, a constant ebb and flow.

For Fiona Apple, the tide is high- and the time is now.

Fiona Stuff

My Favorite Fiona Pictures
Fiona Information & News
Lyrics To Tidal And When The Pawn..
My Favorite Fiona Song: Never Is A Promise
My Favorite Fiona Music Video: Sleep To Dream
My Favorite Thing About Fiona:
Her ability to mesmorize you with her voice.

This Applelicious- The Fiona Apple WebRing site owned by Sarah.
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