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Pokemon Pic Place!

Here's some pic's we gathered up of Pokemon! Enjoy, Peoples!

Isn't Bulbasaur cute? Aww.. this pic is from Shockers Pokemon Adoption Agency (SPAA, We'll call it!)

It's Vulpix! Cassie's Fave Pokemon! Pic From SPAA

ARCANINE!!!! Sputnick's fave Pokemon, and the coolest Pokemon on Earth!! ::Cassies bops Sputnick in the head:: NO! Vupix is! Arcanine! Vulpix! Arcanine!...

Even though on the SPAA page it says you use anything their page.. They must be tired of us using their pics.. Well.,. This is Oddish.. Sputnick's friend's fav Pokemon.. So Sputnick put it up for him.. and Cassie agreed. (Wow! Cassie and Sputnick agreed!)

Cassie and Sputnick (c) Us *^-^*
Yay. It's a pic of Cassie and Sputnick. Only problem is, Cassie's not that color, nor does she look all that much like that.. (Only a little like it) Anywhoo, drawn a really long time ago on the computer by Sputnick.

Rediba!(c)those Pokemon peoples
How cute ::sighs::

Well, Peoples.. more pics coming on the next update...