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Pokemon Blue/Red codes

Duplicate Items (Works)
Go to the guy who says he's had his coffie in Viridian City, talk to him, and say your NOT in a hurry. After he shows you how to catch a pokemon- fly to Cinnabar Island and surf on the right coast so it looks like your Pokemon is half out of water half in it. You will run into strange things, but when you run into a blob thats called MissingNo. or a scramble of letters, kill it, and whatever item is in you 6th place on your item list is duplicated. You can use it as many times as you want. But when you get to 99, remember, you only have 99 left so after you use them you may want to duplicate again. Good things to duplicate- Master Balls, Rare Candy, Potions, other balls.......

First, you must link up with a friend, and then decide on a pokemon you want to clone(Blastoise, Mew, Moltres, etc)Have the person who will get the clone of the Pokemon get a Pokemon he/she doesn't care about, because it will be lost. After that, trade the Pokemon. When it says "Waiting" after the Pokemon are traded, have the person who is giving the Pokemon that will be cloned turn his/her game boy off. About 2 seconds later, the reciever of the cloned Pokemon should turn his/hers off. Turn your gameboys back on.. and you should still have your Pokemon, and your friend will have it too! Be patientiat, though... It sometimes takes a few trys before a Pokemon will be cloned.

Get Safari Zone Pokemon in the wild!! (Works, got it from my Nintendo Power)
Go to the section of the safari zone where you catch the pokemon you want. (Pinsir, Scyther, Kangaskhan,Chansey e.t.c.) Walk arounf there until time runs out,then head straight to Cinnabar Island, and SURF just along the coast and SAFARI ZONE Pokemon will start attacking.

Weird thing that happned to our friend--- He was trying to find MissingNO. to duplicate stuff and ran into a Mewtwo!!! Then he ran into a Kangaskhan and a Scyther!!! With out the code above!! Weird, huh?

Mew (I don't know if it works!)
When you get to Celadon City, don't get Evee, and when you catch all 3 Mithical birds, go back to the back of the Pokemon Mansion where Evee is and Mew will be where Evee was.


Ok, peoples. To make these work, you have to put in on your GameShark- "01??D8CF" Where the ??'s are, you put in the code for the Pokemon. Here are some codes that have worked for us.
99 Bulbasaur
9A Venusaur
B1 Squirtle
B3 Wartortle
1C Blastoise
B0 Charmander
B2 Charmeleon
B4 Charizard
7B Caterpie
7C Metapod
7D Butterfree
70 Weedle
71 Kakuna
72 Beedrill
24 Pidgey
96 Pidgeotto
97 Pidgeot
A5 Rattata
A6 Raticate
05 Spearow
23 Fearow
6C Ekans
2D Arbok
54 Pikachu
55 Raichu
60 Sandshrew
61 Sandslash
0F Nidoran (f)
A8 Nidorina
10 Nidoqueen
03 Nidoran (m)
A7 Nidorino
07 Nidoking
04 Clefairy
8E Clefable
52 Vulpix
53 Ninetales
64 Jigglypuff
65 Wigglytuff
6B Zubat
82 Golbat
B9 Oddish
BA Gloom
BB Vileplume
6D Paras
2E Parasect

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