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my frat

Hey yall. Besides the Q5 this is my second family, the blue family. Zeta Phie Beta Sigma at it's finest. I pledged in Spr. 98 and was the #6 out of a line of 8. When my line first crossed we were pretty small now we're turnin into a big fish in a lil pound.

the blue white family

sigma men

here is about half the chapter at an awards thingy. We just on chapter of the year ar famu or somethin like that. Sittin are me #6 and my front #5 deantwain. standing r damian, devine, john k, my lb #3 frank, my point #1 delandis, conrad, gary, my #8 wendell, my #2 andre, and my back #7 kwame


This is one of are zetas, and the only one i got a pic for. She's cool and I knew her befor she pledged (spr 99) She's also blade's roommate