Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 9:55:57 PM)
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Marna (ID=60) (Apr 26, 2000 9:56:03 PM)
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Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 9:57:14 PM)

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 9:57:29 PM)
I would be glad to help you with this process

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 9:58:31 PM)
you can type your message and it will go to the entire list/chat

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 9:59:00 PM)
or you can click on the individual name and send a "private" message

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 0026, 2000 09:59:50 PM)
no, I think it would be great-one of the nice things about this chat is that it is archived- so people who aren't on tonight can go and read it later.

woody (ID=61) (Apr 26, 2000 10:00:07 PM)
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Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:00:14 PM)
this is a chat primarily for parents and ones who are looking for ways to help their kids.

nickels (ID=62) (Apr 26, 2000 10:00:32 PM)
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Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:00:45 PM)
hi woody-so far it is just me and Marna-I asked Marna to join the list because she has some information about products that can help kids with CAPD

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:01:50 PM)
weclome nickels- are you a parent of a child with CAPD?

kmanbam (ID=63) (Apr 26, 2000 10:02:08 PM)
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nickels (ID=62) (Apr 26, 2000 10:03:04 PM)
Yes, I found out about a month ago, my 7 year old has severe CAPD.

Marge (ID=64) (Apr 26, 2000 10:03:17 PM)
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Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:03:37 PM)
how did you find out?

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:03:38 PM)
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Marge (ID=64) (Apr 26, 2000 10:03:41 PM)
Hi all!

nickels (ID=62) (Apr 0026, 2000 10:04:07 PM)
Hi Marge

deb (ID=66) (Apr 26, 2000 10:04:08 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Marge (ID=64) (Apr 26, 2000 10:04:16 PM)
hi deb!

deb (ID=66) (Apr 26, 2000 10:04:22 PM)
hi everyone.....woody are you here?

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:04:49 PM)
I am a speech-language pathologist and mother of a child with special needs. I have had a practice in San Luis Obispo for 16 years. We specialize in Central Auditory Processing Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Head Injury and Autism. My son was ADHD and managed to incur several concussions before first grade. These injuries affected his ability to learn to read, do math facts and process anything rapidly. He was very bright so teachers found it hard to believe that he had a processing difficulty. I was fortunate to be associated with a wonderful neuropsychologist, James Loong and Pat Lindamood the developer of the Auditory Discrimination in Depth Program (now called Li PS). I had worked with them for 8 years with other brain injured and learning disabled individuals when my son's problems in school were surfacing. I put together flashcards, and all sorts of material to help him and eventually turned them into software programs. The High Level Attention Training Program was designed to improve the speed o

deb (ID=66) (Apr 26, 2000 10:05:25 PM)
Marge I am only here for a moment now, but will be back in a bit....Woody is having trouble..tying to get him in here

Marge (ID=64) (Apr 26, 2000 10:05:48 PM)
deb: no problem... i will be here for another 15-20 minutes

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:05:57 PM)
sorry, the whole message didn't make it. I'll try again.

deb (ID=66) (Apr 26, 2000 10:06:35 PM)
Marna,,,it will only take so much at once or the room may boot you out....better to send it smaller pieces =)

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:06:56 PM)
thanks. My first time chatting.

Marge (ID=64) (Apr 26, 2000 10:07:05 PM)
marna: maybe you should just pick it back up from the last sentence. maybe we can't do really long messages in this chat :-)

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:07:07 PM)
I asked Marna to join us tonight because of the experience and programs she has. I think she has a lot to offer. many of the things she'll be talking about can be used in conjunction with Fast For Word Away We Go and Step For Word

deb (ID=66) (Apr 26, 2000 10:07:31 PM)
it's a pleasure to hve you here Marna....

deb (ID=66) (Apr 26, 2000 10:07:48 PM)
Hi Ann,,,thank you for joining us again tonight

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:08:04 PM)
How about if anyone wants the long version to e-mail me and then I won't offend anyone. My address is

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:08:09 PM)
glad to be here-it was a great chat last time-lots of good questions.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:08:37 PM)
well, do tell us some about your intervention "tools".

deb (ID=66) (Apr 26, 2000 10:09:04 PM)
Ann,,,, my husband Woody is trying to log in since I am at work..he will be here to help with what he can untill i return in just a bit

deb (ID=66) (Apr 26, 2000 10:09:33 PM)
Ann...thank you for inviting Marna!

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:09:57 PM)
As I started to say. My son had special needs and you know the story of the mother of invention... I started a software company to put together auditory processing and attention programs.

woody (ID=67) (Apr 26, 2000 10:10:01 PM)
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deb (ID=66) (Apr 26, 2000 10:10:11 PM)

kmanbam (ID=68) (Apr 26, 2000 10:10:47 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

woody (ID=67) (Apr 26, 2000 10:11:04 PM)
this all messed up

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:11:13 PM)
marna - what ages is your software for?

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:11:24 PM)
The programs for CAPD intervention are Essential Literacy, Train Time, Look, Listen Learn Language and Phonology.

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:11:38 PM)
The Essential Literacy is for k-8th

deb (ID=66) (Apr 26, 2000 10:11:51 PM)
Marna do you have a site on the web where your software can be viewed

Marge (ID=64) (Apr 26, 2000 10:11:59 PM)
marna: oh! i am not at all offended by a long message... i was just thinking that perhaps this particular chatroom software can't handle 10-liners... i am very interested in learning more about your software, actually.

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:12:11 PM)
The TrainTime is for kids that LOVE trains 3yrs.- 3rd grade

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:12:34 PM)
The website is

deb (ID=66) (Apr 26, 2000 10:13:15 PM)
will be back in a bit to run for a few

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:13:36 PM)
I also wrote an article about Central Auditory Processing Disorders that should be posted on the SAIT website:

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:13:38 PM)
can you tell us a little about some of the software, Marna. I know it is not only for kids with CAPD, but lots of speech paths that I know are using it

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:14:18 PM)
The purpose is to improve Phonemic Awareness then build the skills toward literacy.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:15:26 PM)
what levels does it work on?

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:16:07 PM)
The programs for the youngest children help associate animal sounds with the animal etc. All the early auditory association tasks. (Look, Listen, Learn, Language)

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:16:49 PM)
The Literacy series is being used to supplement the Fast ForWord programs. It starts at learning the letters and goes to 8th grade reading and spelling.

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:18:12 PM)
Speech pathologists use the Phonology program for highly unintelligible children. 3-5 years

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:18:29 PM)
Marna, have you found that having Fast ForWord first helps the kids have better listening abilities to do the locutour activities?

Janis (ID=69) (Apr 26, 2000 10:18:52 PM)
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Marge (ID=64) (Apr 26, 2000 10:18:58 PM)
hi janis

Baker34 (ID=70) (Apr 26, 2000 10:18:58 PM)
(This user has entered CAPD: From the Heart)

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:19:00 PM)
I have seen so many kids go through programs like yours much quicker and more easily after FFW

Marge (ID=64) (Apr 26, 2000 10:19:01 PM)
hi baker

Baker34 (ID=70) (Apr 26, 2000 10:19:43 PM)
Hi! The name is Kim. Sorry to be so late in joining the chat. How's it going?

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:19:51 PM)
I think Fast Forward has been good for the kids I have seen. Yes, I think they learn the LocuTour programs faster after the auditory system is more intact.

Marge (ID=64) (Apr 26, 2000 10:20:06 PM)
well, quite a few folks left just a minute ago, so you came at a good time

Baker34 (ID=70) (Apr 26, 2000 10:20:33 PM)
I'm sorry I missed them.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:20:55 PM)
do you recommend a certain protocol for your software Marna - like # of minutes/ day, times/week?

Janis (ID=69) (Apr 26, 2000 10:21:04 PM)
Hi, Marge, I'm late,too, and I really don't type well so will probably just read!

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:21:18 PM)
The co-existing problem often found with CAPD is attentional problems. We use High Level Attention to train the speed of information processing and that seems to carry-over to all speeded processing tasks.

Marge (ID=64) (Apr 26, 2000 10:21:29 PM)
marna: are there any published research references available for your software? outcomes research, or something like that?

Baker34 (ID=70) (Apr 26, 2000 10:21:55 PM)
I can relate to many teachers STILL ask me....are you sure he's not ADD?

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:22:0043 PM)
The Attention training program needs about 36 hours of intervention. This can be over a few weeks or months, I prefer 3-4 x's a week for one-hour training sessions.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:23:13 PM)
yes! so many of the kids with CAPD look like kids with ADD! makes sense if you are having trouble processing auditory information (which there is sure a lot of in the classroom) that you might not be too attentive!

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:23:37 PM)
We did a research study here at the office with children with ADD and found significant improvement on continuous performance test and behavior on the Connors Checklist.

Marge (ID=64) (Apr 26, 2000 10:23:54 PM)
ann, marna: of the children referred to you for CAPD therapy, how many are you finding to actually have slight-mild hearing loss? i've "met" a number of parents on the CAPD list whose kids' 30 dB PTA is being glossed over. really grinds my gears!!

Baker34 (ID=70) (Apr 26, 2000 10:24:08 PM)
I know....I'm still trying to convince the school. But I will.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:24:20 PM)
I think the fact that there is an "end" to the programs has been helpful. Also, as you know Marna, the neuroscience research certainly supports frequent training in order to effect changes in the brain in an efficient manner.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:24:31 PM)
oh Marge, I agree-gets me so boiled!

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:24:37 PM)
We make the software available free to any researcher that asks and we have some studies coming in soon, next 6 months I hope.

Marge (ID=64) (Apr 26, 2000 10:25:13 PM)
marna: i will tell my audiologist and my dau's slp about that! they may be interested!

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:25:24 PM)
The fluctuating hearing loss is the real challenge. One day with you the next day not!

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:25:28 PM)
wow! Marna _ i didn't realize you will give the software to researchers for free. there are certainly a lot of parents that I have gotten to know who would find the research center ...

Baker34 (ID=70) (Apr 26, 2000 10:25:53 PM) know how kids are also said to have "mild or moderate' CAPD. I just don't get that. my son has a "mild" hearing loss. I figure any hearing loss is a problem, and his fluctuates due to fluid.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:25:59 PM)
and that fluctuating loss is probably what is causing the underlying faulty learning of phonemes

Marge (ID=64) (Apr 26, 2000 10:26:00 PM)
marna: yeah, that's got to be awfully tough!

Marge (ID=64) (Apr 26, 2000 10:26:52 PM)
baker: mild, moderate, severe, when applied to hearing loss, have specific technical meanings to auds and slps... problem is, these terms sound less severe to parents than what they actually are.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:27:08 PM)
there is actually research showing greater language deficits for kids with mild to moderate fluctuating losses than for kids with greater permanent (sensori neural losses)

Marge (ID=64) (Apr 26, 2000 10:27:11 PM)
baker: there is a recent research paper that documents that

Marge (ID=64) (Apr 0026, 2000 10:27:27 PM)
ann: holy smoke!! can you give me the citation for that?

Baker34 (ID=70) (Apr 26, 2000 10:27:42 PM)

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:27:52 PM)
I agree. A mild loss in the classroom is like putting your fingers in both ears, now add background noise to that and talk about nuclear physics and see how much you learn!

Marge (ID=64) (Apr 26, 2000 10:28:16 PM)
baker: "mild" hearing loss is a socially significant kind of a loss. lots of need for repetition.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:29:06 PM)
marge, as soon as I hit send, I knew you'd ask for citation-will see if I can find it...maxine young might also have it

Baker34 (ID=70) (Apr 26, 2000 10:29:10 PM)
I know...i repeat, reword and check for understanding all the time. And then even if it can be repeated....has it been processed?

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:29:16 PM)
Have any of you worked with the body language aspect to get the kids to convey that they have or haven't understood the message?

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:29:25 PM)
mild loss is also very significant academically

Baker34 (ID=70) (Apr 26, 2000 10:29:58 PM)
Ann: if you find it, could you please send me a copy too? or the address where I could find the study?

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:30:28 PM)
another thing that is important is to pause and wait after giving auditory information. for many folks with CAPD the speed of processing is what is so deficient.

robin (ID=71) (Apr 26, 2000 10:30:31 PM)
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nickels (ID=62) (Apr 26, 2000 10:30:41 PM)
Marna, my 7 yr. old's understanding of language is at a 3 yr.old level. He has partial seizures, sensory integration and recently severe CAPD. A fm hearing device has been recommended. I don't know where to begin.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:31:01 PM)
marna do you have software for children that young?

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:31:05 PM)
I usually teach parents and children a "secret" message to use so the child can prompt the parent to say it again without undue attention when around the peers

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:31:19 PM)
I would like to suggest Away We Go as a software tool for the younger kids

Baker34 (ID=70) (Apr 26, 2000 10:31:24 PM)
Marna..were you talking to me? I know when my son gets it because I've lived with him for 12 years. We communicate with our eyes.

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:31:29 PM)
Yes, the Look, Listen.... is great for Nickel's child

robin (ID=71) (Apr 0026, 2000 10:32:7 PM)
Does Scientific Learning have any studies that show if mentally retarded children can benefit from Fast Forward?

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:32:10 PM)
it helps to teach some of the early concepts like colors, sizes, shapes; mouse skills; listening, auditory and working memory and even some early letter and phonemic awareness skills.

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:32:18 PM)
To Baker. Yes, they appreciate the subtle looks as they get older.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:32:49 PM)
robin-there are a significant number of children with IQs which fall in the mentally retarded range who have shown great benefit from Fast ForWord.

Baker34 (ID=70) (Apr 26, 2000 10:32:59 PM)
And I treasure them. They are our silent way of communicating. I don't get that with my other two sons.

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:33:34 PM)
To Nickels the FM system should help a great deal in the classroom. Make sure the teachers and children get to listen to see what it will sound like for your child.

robin (ID=71) (Apr 26, 2000 10:33:35 PM)
Is there any thing in writing that we can show to the school. My school refuses to aknowledge that MR kids will derive any benefit from Fast Forward.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:33:40 PM)
We have outcomes for children with autism-many of whom were "untestable" prior to Fast ForWord.

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:34:17 PM)
I've seen the outcomes for children with autism and it is impressive.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:34:43 PM)
I don't know if there are any outcomes specifically for children with MR as their only disability. but then again, when kids have CAPD and/or language disorders, how can we ever get accurate IQ scores.

robin (ID=71) (Apr 26, 2000 10:34:48 PM)
I have seen your outcomes for kids with autism and my school will allow kids with autism in the program but not even mild mentally retarded kids, who in fact may just have developmental delays.

Janis (ID=69) (Apr 26, 2000 10:35:07 PM)
By the way, I am a teacher of hearing impaired children mild to profound, consulant to self-contained. I agree that most mild to mod. hearing losses cause difficulty in the reg. class. I am considering Away We Go for my own 4 yr. old who is delayed in receptive language 1 yr.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:35:22 PM)
can you ask the school what they are basing their decison on to deny a particular training method that has been shown to be effective for tens of thousands of children?

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:35:38 PM)
go for it Janis...

robin (ID=71) (Apr 0026, 2000 0010:35:51 PM)
That brings us to another concern. My school refuses to acknowledge CAPD if MR is put in their file.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:36:22 PM)
robin, can you ask them to look at your child's language age and then consider it? (I hate age scores,but if we can use them to our benefit, I go for it !)

robin (ID=71) (Apr 26, 2000 10:36:23 PM)
The schools response is the Scientific Learning has not documented outcomes for kids with MR.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:37:04 PM)
and what scientifically documented program/tools are they planning to use instead? and what kind of outcomes can you expect to see?

Baker34 (ID=70) (Apr 26, 2000 10:37:20 PM)
gotta run...good night all.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:37:27 PM)
it sounds like your district is already familiar with FFW and using it , is that correctg?

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:37:53 PM)
I agree. Not everything that works has been around long enough to get the documentation it needs to convince some.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:38:00 PM)
if so, why not see if they would agree to train just one child with MR on FFW and document the changes

robin (ID=71) (Apr 26, 2000 10:38:13 PM)
Yes, they are using it in an after school program with a criteria for acceptance. I tried using her language age.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:38:36 PM)
and Marna, as you know, as professionals, we really don't have other programs that have been researched on thousands of kids.

Janis (ID=69) (Apr 26, 2000 10:38:45 PM)
I am also considering a small private school for her next year to have her in a quieter classroom environment with more attention, but that may cause us to lose public school speech/lang. therapy. Do you think I could use some programs at home or should I put her in public school for the speech?

robin (ID=71) (Apr 26, 2000 10:39:03 PM)
Maybe it is time for an OCR complaint.

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:39:04 PM)
We have a child in the clinic learning to read using the Essential Literacy Series. She has Down Syndrome and is doing very well.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:39:06 PM)
a lot of therapy and intervention has been based on clinical experience and judgement, along with knowledge of theory,e tc.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:39:43 PM)
there have been a number of children with Down Syndrome who have used FFW and done quite well with it.

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:40:09 PM)
Our regional center went with the train one child and see what happens and now they are going to provide FastForward.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:40:11 PM)
janis- most of these computer based training programs can be done at home, sometimes with some professional guidance

robin (ID=71) (Apr 26, 2000 10:40:26 PM)
Can we obtain some documentation on how kids with Down Syndrome did on Fast Forward?

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 0026, 2000 10:40:46 PM)
marna, that is what i am seeing all over the country. once they have a couple of successes, they are sol.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:40:56 PM)
i am not sure that any of that data has been compiled by slc.

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:41:05 PM)
All of our programs can be done at home Janis and you can work directly with your child on what your goals are.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:41:26 PM)
slc is trying to get researchers, school and private providers to publish their outcomes with FFW.

robin (ID=71) (Apr 26, 2000 10:41:54 PM)
Any idea where I might obtain the data on kids with Down Sydrome success with FF?

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:41:57 PM)
there has been so much criticism of the fact that all of the outcomes have come from SLc. so, now is the chance for others to present their outcomes.

Janis (ID=69) (Apr 26, 2000 10:42:16 PM)
Is Away We Go the best one to start with (4 yr. old)?

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:42:30 PM)
If anyone wants a free demo go to the website or e-mail me and I'll get one in the mail.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:42:34 PM)
robin- email me tomorrow and I'll see if I can track any of that data down.

robin (ID=71) (Apr 26, 2000 10:42:50 PM)
Thank you, Ann

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:42:55 PM)
janis- awg is perfect for a 4 year old.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:43:07 PM)
does your child have any computer skills?

Janis (ID=69) (Apr 26, 2000 10:43:46 PM)
We have a JumpStart Pre-school program that she does independently

robin (ID=71) (Apr 26, 2000 10:43:59 PM)
Is there a suggestion on the type of mouse that should be used with AWG?

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:44:43 PM)
oh great place to start! Away we go teaches some skills that will expand on Jump Start

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 0026, 2000 10:45:0013 PM)
what kind of problems does your child have that you are trying to work on ?

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:45:16 PM)
Does she need to learn vocabulary too?

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:46:09 PM)
We have a new one called 100 words for children that teaches verbs, food, clothing, toys, it is neat.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:46:23 PM)
I have become a great believer in computers as being one more tool for kids to learn-esp. kids with any types of learning challenges. it can bring excellent training into homes and schools that might not be able to provide for this in other ways.

Janis (ID=69) (Apr 26, 2000 10:46:31 PM)
She has problems in auditory memory (long sentences, 2 or more step directions, etc.) . I think her vocabulary is pretty good.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:46:39 PM)
tell me about this one,` marna- I don't think I have seen this one.

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:46:46 PM)
I love the verbs because we use videos of children doing the action.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:47:08 PM)
janis- AWG works on memory, following directions, remembering a series of sounds,

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:47:42 PM)
verbs have always been so hard to "picture": - video has really opened the door for training these hasn't it?

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:47:49 PM)
There are 100 words and we let the parent or professional choose which ones to work on. You can group them, translate them into another language, use the parent's or child's voice as the stimuli.

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:48:20 PM)
The homework pages can be printed in color and used like flash cards.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:48:43 PM)
a poor vocabulary is one of the predictors of later problems with reading. so, anything we can do to boost both receptive and expressive langauge can be helpful/

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:48:48 PM)
The levels are word, phrase, sentence, question, answer

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:49:02 PM)
so do you have a demo of this as well?

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:49:11 PM)
It is all on the demo.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:49:33 PM)
marna, am I correct that you can buy the whole locutour program or individual components?

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:49:48 PM)
guess I need to get a new demo.

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 0026, 2000 10:50:4 PM)
We have It's a food, It's a Mixed. It's a... Everyday object. for vocabulary.

deb (ID=72) (Apr 26, 2000 10:50:16 PM)
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Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:50:20 PM)
what kinds of phonemic awareness exercises do you have?

deb (ID=72) (Apr 26, 2000 10:50:35 PM)
hi everyone....sorry about the quick exit

Janis (ID=69) (Apr 26, 2000 10:51:01 PM)
Another thing my daughter has problems with is giving inappropriate answers to questions, like,what do you do when you're hungry? Maybe she's having trouble processing the question?

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:51:20 PM)
We have 18 games all are sold separately. Most are $99 Some are more like a program or a series and those are $189. The Attention Training is the BIG program and is $495. Most people buy the $99 ones that fit the particular problem they are working on.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:51:56 PM)
how many are there all together?

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:52:44 PM)
I think there are 18 CD's but in each CD there are tons of games. Yes we do have ones specifically for Phonemic Awareness.

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:52:48 PM)
janis= she may be having trouble processing the auditory information as well as having trouble with word retrieval

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:53:34 PM)
I have several (hate to admit it but not all). I have to second what you said about tons of games on each cd. and the kids really like them

Janis (ID=69) (Apr 26, 2000 10:53:43 PM)
I will try Away We Go soon. Thanks for your input! Goodnight!

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:53:53 PM)
great to have you with us janix

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:53:57 PM)

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:54:23 PM)
marna -you should also mention how you can review progress and set the levels.

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:54:44 PM)
I have had a great time. Thanks for inviting me. Please e-mail me and I can respond individually.

deb (ID=72) (Apr 26, 2000 10:54:59 PM)
Marna,,,,thank you so much for joining us tonight....

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:55:14 PM)
thanks Marna...this was great info you shared with us

nickels (ID=62) (Apr 26, 2000 10:55:20 PM)
Thank you, Marna.

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:55:29 PM)
As Ann said, the parent can set up the levels and print out progress sheets. Very Individualized.

Marna (ID=65) (Apr 26, 2000 10:55:50 PM)
Thanks again!

deb (ID=72) (Apr 26, 2000 10:57:02 PM)
marna..did you post your email earlier?

Ann (ID=59) (Apr 26, 2000 10:58:20 PM)
I blieve it is and yes,she did post it earlier

deb (ID=72) (Apr 26, 2000 10:58:40 PM)
ok..i will get it from the archives tonight

robin (ID=71) (Apr 26, 2000 10:59:08 PM)
Thanks for all the information. Good nite everyone!

deb (ID=72) (Apr 0026, 2000 10:59:29 PM)
goodnight robin...thank you for joining the chat tonight

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