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Hog Slayer or Pig Sticker?

Here's my first kill of the new millennium!

This was killed at Head Hunters on January 9th, 2000, with the help of my trusty American Bulldog 'JOSHUA'S SIVAN.

This 225 pound Boar Hog fell to one stick of the COLD STEEL TRAIL MASTER KNIFE.

This Boar is sportin' 5" plus, cutters on him!

Well, that's all I've got ready for the page... (SO FAR!).
Be sure to check back periodically, as there's alot more pictures of the animals I've hunted.
There'll also be pictures and descriptions of animals that I'm sure to hunt in the future!
I'd love to hear your opinions on what I've showed to you.
You can send me e-mail by clicking on the e-mail icon, which is on the bottom of each page.

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"Makin' Freddo Famous".