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Satire of Got Milk?

This site is for amusement purposes only. This is a satire site of Got Milk? entitled Got Alice? For any Alice Cooper fan they probably all ready got the idea of this. Instead of a "milk mustache" this features celebrities and cartoons with the Alice Cooper make-up.
Last updated: September 15,2000

Just Added: Christina Aguilera,Tiger Woods,Ali Landry and Julie Delpy

Each picture takes about 30 seconds to download , so please be patient. Just click on the name of the person you want to see "Cooperized".

Ben Affleck Christina Aguilera Tori Amos Gillian Anderson Pamela Anderson Fiona Apple Christina Applegate Lucy and Desi Arnez

The Backstreet Boys Fairuza Balk Ellen Barkin Barney Drew Barrymore Yasmine Bleeth Kelly Brook Sandra Bullock

Neve Campbell Jim Carey Charlie's Angels Cher The Clintons and Monica George Clooney Gary Coleman Holly Marie-Combs Sean Connery Courteney Cox Nikki Cox Cindy Crawford Laura Croft(Tombraider) Jamie Lee Curtis

Matt Damon Julie Delpy Robert DeNiro Danny DeVito Pr