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Dancing Web Pages

These are some dancing pages that I made. The ones that are marked "@#$*&!" will contain offensive material, so view at your discretion. I am also taking requests for any item you would like to see made into a dance page. Send them to the email link below with "dancing web page" as the subject line.

Snoopy Dance
Betty Boop
America the Beautiful
Devil Dance!
Disco Rainbow!
Turning Japanese!
Here's Looking at You!
Bloody Valentine's Day!
My Chalupa!@#$*&!
Everyone Loves Eeyore
Maximus Gleuteus!@#$*&!
Smiley's Bad Day
Monster Mash
Let's Potty!@#$*&!
Suess Party
Iguana Party!
Owner of a Lonely Fart@#$*&!

These are some dancing pages that I found surfing the net. Same rules apply.

Animated Candy Dance
Fun and Silly Greetings

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