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Third Watch

Unfortunately, I lack the time and motivation to maintain this portion of the site. I'll leave up what I have now, and I thank you all so much for your support on this site. I'm sorry I can't update anymore =o(

Welcome to my realm of Third Watch.

This site was created March 14, 2000
And updated on June 12, 2000

This is the newest addition to my growing website. As time goes on and I watch more episodes, I'll update accordingly. Ever since the second episode, I've been planning a website based on this wonderful new show full of great talent, and I'm just now getting around to setting one up.

I don't have very much here yet, but I have great expectations for this page. I have links, webrings, fanfiction, a message board, pictures and bios.

Please check back, as this page is under constant construction.

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Episode Guide
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Message Board

Thanks to The Third Watch Page for this pic.

This site will mainly focus around the relationship of paramedics Bobby Caffey and Kim Zambrano. If you have any fanfiction or photos, please send them to Thanks!

This Third Watch site owned by Alicia.

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