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Copyright: László Széchényi, 1994 (With the exception of historical facts about the Korean war, all names, and events are fictitious. Any resemblance to real facts is stricly coincidental)


This work of fiction is a story of the fundamental desire to do good, influenced and conditioned, however, by personal circumstances, environment, and the constant struggle between strength and weakness.

The life-story of an American , arrestingly told in three stages. With the enthusiasm and idealistic self-confidence of youth, he is driven by equally strong feelings of hatred and love. He fights in Korea like a true hero, but offends the basic moral values of his environment and draws severe punishment upon himself. Having awakened the wrath of the Gods, he unwittingly exposes himself and all those he loves to the devastating effects of the curse of Cheju Island.

A powerful portrayal of overwhelming love; misdirected, however, by justifiable hate and human frailty. The book has a most unexpected, astounding ending and conveys a sobering message about a rare, but horrific moral problem.



Don't answer this question lightly, for it isn't that simple a question!

Oh, we've all heard about Him haven't we now, but do we actually know who He is, where He is, what He is, what He does or doesn't do, how He influences our lives, (if He does;) and how He controls our actions (if He does)? Or whether He is indeed a He or a She, or of what color, race, size, age, or whether there is only One of him or one for every human activity, feeling, and emotion; or maybe one for every creature and thing, living and dead, on this earth or indeed in the universe? His names comprise a very long list, God, Allah, and Buddha expressed in a myriad of languages, being only the main ones.

The question is clear, but who is to say what the correct answer is? Mankind has been endeavoring to provide an answer ever since the beginning of time, it seems, and came up with a mind-boggling variety of choices. They range all the way from the great benevolent white father with a long beard, to the invisible, ghost-like, all-encompassing, omnipotent, omniscient, everlasting source of all power and light, totally in control of everything we humans can or can't even fathom.

So where are you and where am I in this never ending search?

Read this book with an open mind. It raises questions about the human condition and the relationship between it, God, (or Gods) and the laws of the universe.

For you and I know that there are laws, (not born of the human mind necessarily,) which must be respected if we are to survive. To live within the law is a virtue and one would expect, will be rewarded. To clash with the law is a crime and it is always punished in one way or another. Human laws are written and enforced by humans. Laws of the universe are a very different matter; established by the universe, and enforced by that omnipotent, omniscient, all-encompassing, ever lasting POWER that we all think of according to our own adopted definition.

So, please don't judge me, or even the characters in this book too severely, for who is to say whether we're obeying every law of the universe, or if we don't, what punishment, if any, is due?

László Széchényi


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