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Welcome friends!!

Welcome to my little corner of the cyber universe!! I haven't spent time here in quite a while, but with the recent events in my life I now have more spare time to work with my pages, and have slowly but surely started updating them.

Please, sit back, take a look around, and stay for a while, there's plenty of pictures to look at, a bit about myself, and heck stop by a web link or two if you choose.

If you have stopped by before, welcome back, and if this is your first trip, well I'm glad you took a few moments to stop by!!

Please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions in my Dreambook or drop me a line at anytime!!

About me

Click on any of these pages to find out a bit more about me, heck you could even ask if you need more info....there's also plenty of pics, I'm a picture freak!

Personal bio

The infamous tattoo

Family Photos

More Photos

My work is my life..

More links
Links to some of my favorite spots on the www and more....

Vegas baby! New photos

My net buddy album

Libra's Midi-jukebox

The "freak" pages

Trip around the net


Just like any person with a web page I'd like to know who came by to visit me. Please take a moment to sign my dreambook even if you have before because I always like to know what people think about the work I've done.

Leave Your Mark Here

Read Other's Markings

Many Thanks

I have to take a moment to thank all who have helped me over the past couple of years to learn how to do pages like this. Those who have been there to answer the stupidest little questions, have taught me the "tricks of the trade", found images and sounds for me, and even those who put up with me forever asking them to look at this to make sure it has the right look to it!!