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Goldeneye 64

Strategy Guide

  • Time cheats

    Complete one of the following mission within the indicated time limit at the required difficulty level to enable the corresponding cheat:

    CheatEffect LevelDifficulty Time
    2x Grenade Launcher Surface 1Secret Agent3:30
    2x KnivesBunker 2 Agent1:30
    2x KnivesJungle Agent3:45
    2x LasersAztec Complex Secret Agent9:00
    2x RCP-90sWater Caverns 00 Agent9:30
    2x Rocket LauncherBunker 1 00 Agent4:00
    DK ModeBig headsRunway Agent5:00
    Enemy Rockets Opponents have rocket launchers StreetsAgent1:45
    Fast AnimationOpponents move quickly Statue ParkSecret Agent 3:15
    Gold PP7Opponents killed with one shot Antenna CradleAgent 2:15
    Infinite AmmoControl Center Secret Agent10:00
    InvincibilityUnlimited damage Facility00 Agent2:05
    InvisibilityBond is invisible to opponents Military Archives00 Agent 1:20
    No Radar MultiFrigate Secret Agent4:30
    Paintball mode Bullets cause paint marks instead of holes. DamSecret Agent2:40
    Silver PP7Shoots through doors, on shot kills Train00 Agent5:25
    Slow AnimationOpponents move slowly DepotSecret Agent1:40
    Tiny BondBond is smaller Surface 200 Agent4:15
    Turbo modeBond moves quickly Launch SiloAgent3:00

  • Hidden characters

    Enter the multi-player mode character selection screen and display the last available character (Mishkin or Moonraker Elite). Then, press the following controller combinations: Hold L + R and press C-Left. Hold L and press C-Up. Hold L + R and press Left. Hold L and press Right. Hold R and press Down. Hold L + R and press C-Left. Hold L and press C-Up. Hold L + R and press Right. Hold L + R and press C-Down. Hold L and press Down. Now an additional thirty-one characters will be selectable.

  • Bonus weapons

    Complete each of the following levels to obtain the corresponding weapon:

    MagnumAntenna Cradle, Janus Base
    LaserAztec Complex (as 00 Agent)
    Golden GunEgyptian Temple

  • Cougar Magnum gun

    Beat the game on the "Agent" difficulty setting.

  • Bonus Egyptian level

    Beat the game on the "00 Agent" difficulty level.

  • Bonus Aztec level

    Beat the Antenna Cradle level on the "00 Agent" difficulty setting.

  • 007 mode

    Beat every level, including the Egyptian and Aztec, on the "00 Agent" difficulty setting. Then, the 007 bonus game setting will become available. Options such as enemy health, enemy damage, enemy accuracy, and enemy intelligence will be adjusteable in this game setting.

  • Double mixed weapons

    Obtain two sets of paired weapons that appear next to each other in your weapon list and some ammunition for each gun. (For example, in the Military Archives level, obtain two Dostoveis and two Klobbs). Then, cycle through the weapons until two of the second set of weapons are ready. Now, quickly press the following set of buttons: Hold A button, then before the weapons cycle forward, press Z(2). Release A, then press A once Press Z to fire two or three times while the weapons are cycling. If done correctly, firing the weapon will lock one of the weapons during the cycle, allowing a mixed set.

  • Copy cheats to another folder

    Highlight a cheat from a folder, then hold A and keep that button pressed until instructed otherwise. Then, press B(2) to return to the folder selection screen, and press Z to select another folder. Now enter the cheat menu, highlight any code, and press Z. Then, press B and release A. Now select any level to begin the game with the cheat from the first folder.

  • Same character in multiplayer mode

    Set the number of players to "4" and select the desired character for player four. Then, change the number of players to "3" and select any character (including the same character that was chosen in the previous step) for player three. Now, set the number of players to "2" and select the desired character for players one and two. Note: Players one and two can never be the same character. Set the number of players to "4" and begin a game.

  • Bonus multiplayer areas

    Beat the second Severyna bunker, the Military Archives, and Water Caverns levels on the Agent difficulty setting. Then, these areas will become available for multiplayer mode.

  • Bonus multiplayer characters

    Beat the game on the "Agent" difficulty setting and Bond villains Mayday, Oddjob, Jaws, and Baron Samedi will become selectable in deathmatch mode. Note: They are not available in single player mode.

  • Armed scientists

    Shoot a scientist in the foot or hand twice with a silenced PP7 in any level that they appear on any difficulty level. Then, the scientist will fire back with Dostovel and may even throw a grenade.

  • Paintbrush weapon

    Begin a game in multi-player mode on a level that contains sniper rifles. Then, collect a sniper rifle before getting any ammunition or touching another character. Now press A(2) after getting the sniper rifle to use a paintbrush.

  • Hints, tips, and tricks
      Floating weapons

      Locate the control room in the Bunker 2 level with the big screen. Place a remote mine on each of the eight televisions that are attached to the ceiling and destroy them. Throw mines, grenades, knives or fire the rocket launcher in the room and the weapons will float. If this trick is done during a single player game, the enemies will die with their weapons in their hands.

      Invisible mines

      Begin game play in multi-player mode. Place a mine on ammunition, then take the ammunition. Although the mine will still be at that location, it will not appear on your opponent's screen.

      Falling mines

      Complete all the objectives on the Runway level except "Escape in plane". Place a few timed mines on your plane, then enter and take off. You will see the mines fall out and explode when you are in the air.

      Protecting Natalya

      The easiest way to protect Natalya in the control room is to take out all the tables, except the one that she needs. This will give you a clean line of fire on the guards.

      Kill Xenia easily

      Continuously fire the AR33 armed with a full magazine as she runs towards you. Alternatively, position Bond adjacent to the bridge and shoot her. She can not hit Bond at this location.

      In the Jungle level on the two harder difficulty settings, the best and fastest way to kill Xenia is to set three remote mines on the front of the bridge. (The front being the closest part of the bridge as you come upon it.) Run about half way across the bridge, until you hear the music. Then turn around and run off the bridge and to the right. When you are far enough away from the mines, turn around the face the bridge. (You should facing the bridge at a 90 degree angle). Natalya will run across the bridge. Xenia will cross paths with her on the bridge. When Xenia gets to the end of the bridge she will stop and look around. This is when the mines should be detonated. Since the explosion will not kill her, scroll back to the AR33 and hit her will approximately ten shots to finish her. If done correctly, she will not have a chance to fire back.

      Kill Trevelyan easily

      The best way to kill Trevelyan on the Cradle level is to blow him up. Get the armor, then run up the ramp. Kill the first onslaught of men (the 3 or 4 on the top of the ramp). One of them should have a grenade; if this does not occur, start again. After taking the grenade, run down and power down the dish as usual. Exit through the back door and Trevelyan should be down the ramp. Instead of shooting him, switch to the grenade and aim it straight down so that it bounces down the ramp. When the grenade hits the bottom it will explode and kill Trevelyan completely, with no lines, chasing, or other nonsense. Just run to the helicopter to be picked up to complete the mission.

      This following trick works under any difficulty setting. In the Cradle, go to the bunker with the computer terminal. Go all of the way to the left of the door and turn around. You should now have your back to the wall, with the staircase directly in front of you and the door directly to your left. Shoot all of the men that walk down the stairs and out of the door. After about ten seconds you will hear an explosion, Trevelyan will start his "For England..." speech, and objective two will be complete. What happened was Trevelyan had dropped the grenade and forgot to run, thus killing himself. Now go in, destroy the terminal and leave.

      Use two different guns simutaneously

      Obtain any paired set of guns. Then, hold A and press Z(2). Release A, then press A again. Press Z two or three times to fire while changing weapons. If timed correctly, the weapon being fired will be paired with another weapon creating a mixed set.

      Hidden guns

      Locate the two boxes stacked on top of each other immediately before the first door on the left in the train level. Destroy them to collect a RC-P90 when playing under the Agent difficulty level. A DD44 will appear if playing under the Secret Agent difficulty level.

      There are crates located near the "bunker" on the Dam level that also contain guns. Go to the switch, turn around, and shoot at the boxes directly in front of Bond.

      Locate the control room with the master console in the Caverns level. Defeat all the enemies, then go all the way to the right to find two boxes. Shoot the box on the right, and another box will fall out. Keep destroying the boxes until two computers fall out. Each contains an AR30.

      Silenced PP7s

      There is a set of two silenced PP7s on the second bunker level. There is a guard with a safe key in the room with the two double doors. Go to the room with the safe to find the two guns and a GoldenEye operating manual.

      Return into the vents

      Begin game play in the Facility level in multi-player mode. Enable turbo mode and face the door. Press C-Left immediately after jumping on the toilet to pop back up into the vents. Note: Another way to accomplish this without turbo mode is to hold L + C-Right + Analog-stick Left + Z.

      Bottomless pit

      First, earn the Bunker level for multi-player mode. Start a multi-player game at the bunker with grenade launchers, mines (any type), or any other type of explosive weapon. Take the explosive weapon outside the bunker. Move in the opposite direction from the bunker's entrance. You should come to an invisible black wall. Look down and toss any type of explosive. The explosive never hit bottom.

      Extra time on Train level

      An additional twenty seconds can be added to your time on this level under the 00 Agent difficulty setting by killing Xenia. Run in the room and position yourself in a diagonal line with General Ourimorv and Xenia. Shoot Ourimorv and keep firing as he dies to quickly kill Xenia.

      Destroy the Egyptian level trap guns

      The automatic trap guns on the Egyptian level are not indestructible; they can be blown up with explosive weapons.

      Kill Baron Samedi permanently

      Kill Baron Samedi two times with the golden gun, then find him a third time. Shoot him and change the controller type to "Domino". As the game is ending, continuously press the Z on controller two very quickly. Keep hitting the button during the ending sequence and you will be able to shoot Baron Samedi in the head with the golden gun. Note: This trick works better when a turbo controller is plugged into port two.

      Find the tank

      Begin a game on the Runway level (Level 3). Go outside, then move all the way to the right. The tank is located around that corner.

      Ride the tank

      Bond can drive the T-54 tank by climbing aboard and pressing B on the tower. Use the Analog-stick to steer, and switch to tank rounds to shoot targets.

      Tank cruise control

      Get into a tank and start driving. While driving, switch to the tank cannon. Reach the desired speed, then hold down the aim button (R by default), and release the Analog-stick. The tank will now drive in a straight line by itself.

      Another guard tower

      Begin a game on the Dam level (Level 1). Go to the middle (second) tower on the dam. Use your sniper rifle at maximum magnification to look the opposite way that you will bungee jump to find another tower across the water. This tower was going to be used in the game but was only left in for viewing.

      Dancing characters

      Begin a multiplayer match. Have both players face each other within sight. Have one player stare at the other player while the other player looks straight at the ground. (It will appear as if the other player is staring at his or her toes.) Then, have the character that is staring at the ground rapidly tap the "strafe left" and "strafe right" buttons. That character's arm will start to swing up and down as if he or she is dancing the Hustle. Have Jaws do this for a particularly funny effect.

      Temporarily disable opponent's auto-aim

      Disarm yourself during a multi-player game by selecting Down until no weapons are held. Your opponent's auto-aim will not function, making it very difficult for your character to be shot. This trick is especially useful when you want to make a quick getaway to grab more power-ups and don't want to face a better-equipped player.

      Invisible flag

      Begin a game of "Flag Tag" in multi-player mode. Find the flag, but do not pick it up. Instead, scroll through your weapons until your characcter is unarmed. Hold Fire and pick up the flag. The flag will now be invisible, and your character can kill the other players in the game. Note: Releasing Fire or scrolling the weapons will end this trick.

      Destroying cameras easily

      Cameras can be destroyed with a single shot from any gun if they are hit directly in the lens.

      Shoot during ending sequence

      Set the game controls to "Domino" and complete a level. Then, press Z on controller two to fire whatever Bond is holding during the current scene. Natalya may also be shot at the end of some levels.

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