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Why do I think Jehovah's Witnesses are the False Prophet in Revelation 19:20.

Why do I believe the group known as Jehovah's Witnesses are the false prophet everyone is looking for?

Jehovah's Witnesses will appear to have all the signs in Scripture, which all Christians have been waiting for. Even people who are "Worldly" will think Jehovah's Witnesses to be the "True Christians." How? All humans seeing the "signs and wonders," When their doctrinal interpretation of the Bible will appear to become a reality after all!

"You will be interested to learn that God has on earth a people, all of whom are prophets, or witnesses for God. In fact, they are known throughout the world as Jehovah's Witnesses. . . " June 8, 1986 Awake Pg 9.

"However, Jehovah did not let the people of Christendom, as lead by the clergy, go without being warned that the league was a counterfeit substitute for the real kingdom of God. He had a "prophet" to warn them. This "prophet" was not one man, but a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah's Christian Witnesses. They are still proclaiming a warning, and have been joined and assisted in their commissioned work by hundreds of thousands of persons who have listen to their message with belief. . ."

Of course it is easy to say this group acts as a "prophet" of God. It is another thing to prove it. the only way that this can be done is to review the record. What does this show?" April 1, 1972 Watchtower, Page 197

The False Prophet must be able to appear and mimic the "true Christianity!" Jehovah's Witnesses are known for their door-to-door work without ceasing. The dedication to the serving the Governing Body of the Watchtower, a.k.a. "Prophet" is admired by both Christians and the World.

"If only Christians could get together the way Jehovah's Witnesses do, we could get so much accomplished!" has been said by many Christian Leaders off their own pulpits.

I do not believe any single Jehovah's Witness is the "False Prophet." I believe all Jehovah's Witnesses have been deceived, this includes the all the leaders of the Watchtower Organization. the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses are very sincere about their religion. Jehovah's Witnesses believe they have found the "Truth," after accepting a free home "Bible Study."

Satan knows after a person is indoctrinated,he/she must be motivated personal level, to serve and spread his message.(Math. 7:15,2 Tim. 3:6,7)

Satan has used, sincere but misguided religious devotion in the past.(John 16:2) It works so, why would he need to change his tactics now?

Satan is a master deceiver. He knows people will not follow a New Age or Wiccan Prophet when events unfold in Revelation!

Satan knows humans were created for worship. Satan has to create a religion, which will have strong credentials, which would mimic Christianity.

Satan also knows the Bible better than any human.(Matt. 4:1-11) so he must equip his "Prophet" and the "prophet's" followers with knowledge of the Bible better than Christians. Jehovah's Witnesses are well known for their knowledge of Scripture.

Jehovah's Witness have created a "Godly" reputation with in the World. This has been accomplished though the sincerity of its member’s belief they are following the example set by 1st century Christians. The image Jehovah's Witnesses present is what a Christian should be. They need the image to mislead Christian and potenital Christian convertsover to the "False Prophet," and his way to worship God.

Satan knows his False Prophet has to be very convincing to deceive many. (2 Cor. 4:3-5,11:12-15)His goal for the "Fasle Prophet," is not to mislead people who are already lost. Think, his goal by using the false prophet is to mislead Christians and those person who may turn to Christ.

I don't believe in a mass worship of people who are going to change form New Age or destable practices following the "False Prophet." Folks, just use some common sense here. You don't need to misguide a person is in a present lifesyle choice is already made. Why? Because you don't want to risk loosing them by turning them away!

At the present, the United States is experiencing an economic boom has never been experienced in peacetime. In the USA, when George W, Bush is elected as President, we will have a Conservative Republican President, with a Conservative Republican Majority for him to work with.

The 2000 Presidental Election has placed a book marked in American history.

The present hatred of George W. Bush and the majority ruled Republican house and Senate would be remembered in all history. The Anti-Christ, when the times comes, will not only remind the world, but make it his focal Campaign issue. He will constantly remind people how the world got into the Crisis which will bring him to power. He was hand selected by the “man of Lawlessness.” (2 Thes. 2:3-12)

The creator of this website knows the “ Man of Lawlessness” is William Jefferson Clinton. I know Clinton is not the Anti-christ, and believes the Man of lawlessness and the anti-christ are two seperate pesons. "Man of Lawlessness," preceeds the Anti-christ to prepare the" Wicked generation." Bill Clinton, after the taped deposition was aired all over the world had the nerve to stand in Jerusalem the next day, just to say on world wide televised news, he did not lie to the grand jury!

This particular incident of Clinton's proves he is "the man of Lawlessness," beyond the shadow of a doubt. Henry Hyde coined up Bill Clintons during the impeachment hearings, “. . . as a man of lawlessness indeed.”

Between him and his Wife, Hillary Rodham-Clinton during their years as President and First Lady of the Untied States, set an example of shameless, wicked behavior as an example for whole generation growing up will remember. Neither of them is even remorseful for their behavior, even when caught in the act. By escaping consequences for their blatant wicked behavior, by the media rewarding them for their actions, a generation will accept “good is being bad, and what is bad being good.” They remind me of both Wicked King Ahab of Israel and Queen Jezebel. (1 Kings 16:29-33)

The Anti-Christ has not only favored by Bill Clinton, was others who have the same agenda. The Anti-Christ in the present distains Christians. No matter how much power, wealth or fame from his achievements, Born-Again Christians will remain a point of rage for him. How much so?

In the book of Esther, Mordeci would not bow down to Hamman due to obedience to God. It threw Hamman in such a rage, it inspired him not only to get rid of Mordeci, but all of the Jews. (Esther 3:1-5) Hamman Desire to be worshipped like God was overwhelming, he could not take the risk keeping the Jews alive. Many of the Jews like Mordeci would not worship him for they refused to bow down to Hamman for it was an act of worship. Jews worshiped Jehovah, the God of Israel, to worship a man like Hamman violated Jewsih religious beliefs. I like to encourage you read the book of Esther in it’s entirety, you will get my point. It is my favorite Book in the Bible.

The scandals of Clintons, plus a Presidential election of a Conservative Christian will fuel the hatred in Anti-Christ’s heart not only for Christians, but Christ himself.

Update (May 27,2003) No matter what GeorgeW. Bush does the hatred on the "left" is very intense. We can see daily they will go to great lenghts to display their hatred. The hatred currently displayed blantantly goes beyond the Right's Hated during the Clinton years.

When the time comes, the “wicked generation,” will become adults. This will not happen by accident. No wonder! With shows like Jerry Springer, Ricky Lake and other shows who rating depend on the audiences who appetites crave to watch. The children of this generation will have a hard time distinguish most human relationships are not like the ones they see on Television.

When the children see their parents engaging in the same behavior, it will become an acceptable normal lifestyle. As we can see from the popularity of Bill Clinton during the height of the impeachment scandal, has little to do with the popularity of Bill Clinton, but the current moral climate of America. If the parents condemned Clinton’s behavior as wrong to their children, more parents do not want to explain why they are currently engaging in the same moral lifestyle.

This will be important for the future because those who write history and report the news are not favorable towards Christians. Enough time will pass, so those who can remember the difference, are gone.

When the time of Crisis comes, the Anti-Christ will remind the world about the Presidential Election of George W. Bush. He will remind them of how group like the Christian Collation got us into the present crisis. Many people will have lost faith in Christianity. It will not be hard to sway a dejected, burden, and bankrupt society to not only elect him, but to surrender their souls to him.

UPDATE (June 18, 2001):

As we can see, Bush’s tax cut plan is supernaturally going to pass the Congress. As we can see it already has, by a 67 to 23 in the Senate! Only six months after he took office. I like to take a note he sigined it into law on Memorial day! Once people get those refund checks in their hand, the confindence level of the aveage citizen will go up!

Do you notice how fast those checks are coming out? Can anyone deny God's Hand in this?

Even many of the Democratic enemies, agreed the tax cut is needed to jump start the economy by voting for it! Next on Bush’s Agenda will remove the unfair tariffs from our exports. With a world market craving American made gooda, the USA will prosper in a few years beyond the late 90's economy of the Clinton years.

In the USA our economic growth is the result of many of the laws for tax breaks to encourage business growth. Bush as President of the USA will pass more legislation for tax relief. The result will be more economic growth, which go far beyond the boarder of the USA, but will spread though out the world.

With a stronger economy, no strong Democratic candidate for President, George W. Bush will be reelected by a larger margin than 2000 election. I do not see Dick Cheney living out his entire term as Vice President, and sadly will die in office, due to natural causes. Next Vice President will have an agenda God will not allow George W. Bush to see. The agenda this Vice President will have will go too far. This Vice President when elcted to his President himself, his agenda will go to far. The programs this Vice President will enact be very short sighted, especially when it comes to the poor, needy and ill. When the Economy is very bad, Vice Presdients policies will be inspired to usher in the Anti-christ.

The result of economic growth, business will invest in educating the population in area, which is traditionally ignored. In the new Technology economy, have literate educated workforce will also create the market for the products. The salary of many people is just too low for them the products. This will create the true profitable business, which is credit card industry.

You are now preparing people all over the world to accept the mark of the beast not only by raising the standard of living, most people will need to experience a long interrupted period of prosperity, with out war.

Update (May 17, 2003) Pardon me for not updating the page sooner, I lost my password information.

I could never given in my wildest dreams been given wisdom and prophetic foresight from the God of Israel!

No one was given the vision of September 11, 2001 for it caused great distress for anyone who has prophetic insight. The way George W. Bush has stepped up to the plate after such a great tragedy has given him favor in the eyes of the majority of the American People.

George W. Bush has been very aggressive in his war on Terror.

Did anyone notice the time frame on the War of Iraq from start to finish? The first shot was on March 18, 2003 which is 2 Adar 14 in year 5763 until fighting ended and the statue of Saddam Hussain was taken down and the fighting ended a few days before Passover on April 17, 2003 which is Nisan 14.

I felt God allowed the victory to show he is going to fight for the people of the Israel. This should stabilized the region and begin to allow the preaching of Christianity in Middle East regions where Islam has a strong hold. Most Arabic counties in the Middle East will execute anyone who converts to Christianity. Plus they hate the Jews.

This effect was felt in the Midterm Congressional and Senate elections of 2002. History will now bear the truth for 2 terms we have a Conservative President, House and Senate in a sweep which made history!

Last night on May 16 the Senate passed a version of Tax Cuts and relief this is a miracle. Vice President Dick Cheney cast the deciding vote making it 51-49 all members of the Senate voted on Parisian Lines. Bush will sign this into Law and it the American People will begin to see relief in their check by the end of the year. The Marriage penalty relief which many have prayed for will also be in the package.

As to date our economy is bad but the tax relief will allow small business to flourish by allowing them to invest and hire new workers with out worry of paying the IRS. People can now invest in stocks with out penalty on dividends. Large companies will grow and expand. They will extend to foreign markets to bring prosperity throughout the world.

For those who do not understand the Bush Doctrine or Vision is he wants to spread of democracy which we in the USA enjoy though the whole earth. History now witness to the fact he will bring forth his vision for the whole earth.

Bush filed yesterday for his bid for run for President in 2004. There is no Democratic Candidate who is strong enough to win against President Bush who popularity is enormous.

To switch gears here is a thought to ponder on: If you read the Scripture in Rev. 13:16 and Rev 14:9-12, why would God be so angry as to destroy those who take the Mark? Anyone who accepts the Mark will do so with full knowledge. They will have no excuse before God to willing, and full knowledge what the Mark it, and what it represents.

Just take a look at Germany during the Nazis. They were discouraged by defeat in WWI. Hitler's message at first was considered crazy. But then he found an avenue, the Church. After he was elected he spent 12 years promising and 12 carrying though. How else could even Christians turn their heads?

So will the same be when the Anti-Christ shows up.

The present rate of technological growth, problems like poverty, illiteracy and many diseases, which we die or suffer from, will not exist. "Peace and Prosperity" which mankind has never experienced, will speed throughout the earth.

Presently, Jehovah's Witnesses are having a slow growth. Jehovah's Witnesses are dealing with some serious issues now facing the Leaders of the Watchtower.

The Internet has provided the forum need for Jehovah's Witnesses to discuss the grievances and doubts. Present day Members presently can discuss without fear of getting caught, appearing before a judicial committee or disfellwshipped for apostasy. With the free flow of information about the Watchtower, Jehovah's Witness can look up the information in the privacy of the personal computer. This is the one thing Jehovah's Witnesses could not do in the past.

The present day Governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses can't control what is happening on the Internet. In the past, isolated pockets of resistance were dealt with. The practice of disfellowshipping those who questioned the leadership took care of this problem. The now, the Internet provides not only free flow of information, but communication. Being anonymous, members can contact former members, post their views and sound off with out being caught.

The challenge facing the Watchtower leadership is how to handle the present problems and get rid of the "troublemakers." Right now they are getting ready to "cleanse Jehovah's Organization.' as the Leaders call it. Leaders will use the old stand by these members are "running ahead of Jehovah's Organization." The leadership will come up with a plan and implement it. The result will be strongest, most united Organization ever seen in the Watchtower's history. You will see the Watchtower Reinvent their Organization and call it "New Light" just as in the Past. Everyone, including Christians, will be impressed.

UPDATE: On November 7, 2000, the Current President of the Watchtower Society And the Governing Body resigned. Never in Watchtower history, did they all resign. Many of the Ex-Jehovah’s Witness groups claim it is to protect the assets of the Watchtower from lawsuits. It is a fraction of the truth. I disagree with many of the Ex-Jehovah’s Witness groups spelling doom for the Watchtower. I see the opposite, a new stronger Watchtower Organization ! It will be impressive, even to this Webmaster, but not fooling her! It will even impress many Christians, even fooling some by joining Jehovah’s Witnesses!

Update (May 17, 2003) The Jehovah’s Witness now have the one issue which leadership is begin the Mass Disfellowshipping in the Organization.

It is the Silentlambs scandal.

The Jehovah’s Witness have allowed Child molesters to be protected by the church while the victims are told to keep quiet or be disfellowshipped. The victims are now banding together like those who were abused by priest on the Catholic Church.

Jehovah’s Witness are worse than other religion’s counterpart because everyone who tried to stand up and change church policy on child molestation was disfellowshipped. The Dateline and numerous show all over the world have now exposed this issue thank to the help of Bill Bowden, fonder of Silentlambs. I have had the chance to meet him when we march in New York City at the Head of Watchtower Headquarters in Brooklyn. He is a great man who lost so much to stand up for these victims. Bill was disfellowshipped and resigned as an elder after knowing a fellow elder in his congregation was molesting children.

The average Jehovah’s Witness knows this fact is true but chooses to go the party line. Many have told me the victims were weak in the faith, for they should have let Jehovah handle it. Going to police, media and outsiders is not acceptable to Jehovah’s Witness. Those in the Organization who are now Disfellowshipped for just standing up to the Watchtowers’ leadership are branded as apostates.

Current program at the Kingdom Halls are now preparing for anyone who stands up against the Society. Now you are going to see a very loyal breed of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The current scandal is prepare the Jehovah’s Witness that Jehovah is about to cleanse his organization. It will be easier to turn their heads than to stand up for truth.

Christians today, are not faring so well. Many are over stepping their boundaries getting over involved in political matters, making money, holy laughter, slain in the spirit, or other ventures. Many are just Spiritually asleep(1 Thes. 5:1-9,Math 13:25)

A large percentage of Christians are into practices like immorality, homosexuality, greed, etc. Christians are not very different from the world which they profess Jesus saved them from. Christians have traveled so far off the path, it shows!

Satan knows how to makes Christians look bad and his Prophet: Jehovah's Witnesses look like true "Christians."

Jehovah's Witness leadership hides the same sins they condemn Christians for in print. So the image presented is a clean one. The present ministry of house-to-house work is more recognized than the work of Christians.

By comparison, Christians today look like pagans. No wonder why Rev. 11:8 compares Christian worship like, ". . . figuratively called (many churches and members have the morality of)Sodom and (have accepted many worship practices of false Gods) Egypt. . ." (NIV)

Too Many Christians are just plain lazy or are not ready or equipped to share their faith. Many Christians don't even know what they believe.

Compare this to the Jehovah's Witness are well taught in their doctrinal interpretation of the Bible. If you follow the program, you will have a good education.

Satan has provided plenty of Jehovah's Witness martyrs. Jehovah's Witnesses are known for being put in Concentration Camps by the Nazi for their faith. Many Christians just turned their heads to what Hitler was doing, even if they disagreed with it.

The rapture, as presently taught, does not happen as it is presently taught many "Christians" will be loose faith. The true Christians won't because they are in it for the long hall. Like Y2K. Not all Christians agree on when the rapture will take place but know it will take place. The debate is when and how.

You must remember, the Jews had one idea of who the Messiah should be. Jesus did not fit the protocol, in fact he was the opposite. The Person whom Jesus was different than was taught by the Rabbis at the time.

IF and when events begin to happen, people will remember the Jehovah's Witnesses. Many of the false prophecies of the past will deal with and explained. Just like the past as "new light."

Finally, the message of Jehovah's Witnesses has been saying for over a 100 years is about to come true. This will be the ,"great sign and wonder."

After all, Jehovah's Witnesses will appear to be the True Christians and was telling the truth after all! Will you believe it?

Why I believe the Watchtower is the the False Prophet every Christian is looking for.

Site to help Jehovah's Witnesses

Ex-Jehovah's Witness Christain freedom page!
Christian Ex Jehovah's Witnesses
