Kinsey TV

tuesday, 9.11.01 What the phukk? Terrorists can kiss my phukking ass. I hate them all. This is sick.
Kinsey Kicks

friday, 8.24.01 Grandma and Uncle David are visiting for Greyson's 8th birthday. I keep harassing my poor old Grandmother by making up stories about her being addicted to hard liquor. Everyone's laughing about it... Hopefully I'm not irritating Grandma. I'm such a smart ass. It's good to be me. Dad said he's going to get me my own show in Vegas. I'm your everyday comedian. I'd need my Dad in the audience every night though to keep my smart ass..ness at it's peak. Grandma and David are taking Reece home with them to Texas. He'll be gone for 2 weeks. I'll get to hang out with Mom. I'll bond with G-Key (Greyson) too. Mom works my nerves too though so I know that I'll miss Reece like crazy when Mom and I start to but heads. He's always who I run to bitch to.
Mom and Grandma are talking about the whole Condit thing. Surely you know what I'm talking about. Gary Condit? Mom is explaining how sex is different to women that it is to men. Kimly (Mom) was explaining how to women, sex is such an intimate, personal thing. & I butted in and screamed "I THINK SEX IS NASTY! I'M NEVER HAVING SEX! CALL ME SISTER DIDDY!" Grandma told me to turn around and stick my nose back in the computer. HaHa! Anyway, Mom's point was Condit's a whore and thought nothing of having sex with all of these young girls when these young girls were probably all in love with him.
I've just discovered the joy of reading. I've actually found a book that I can't put down. It's called Dizzy & Jimmy by Liz Sheridan. AKA Diddy & Jimmy to me. It's the love story of Elizabeth Sheridan and James Dean. It's such a wonderful book. I've been carrying it around everywhere with me. Just throwing down wherever I am and reading it. I think I'll probably read it about 50 times. I'm usually forced to read books about people who... suck... and who are so uninteresting to me. I'm excited to find a book that effects me and that makes me feel. I think I'll go start in on chapter 10! Peace out Chief! Happy 8th Birthday little G (Greyson), THE BIG 8!
Kinsey Kicks

tuesday, 8.14.01 I love James Dean. I've become obsessed. I've even started collecting James Dean photographs. I just purchased one of him in his underwear. Too cute. I went to the store and got acouple of books on him also. He was so weird... in a cute way. I was looking through books on him in Barnes and Noble... Every time I ran across pictures of his car accident... I'd get all emotional. Reece was embarrassed to be near me. Rebel without a Cause comes on again on the 16th!!! On the Turner Classic Movies Channel. I'm going to make my Dad watch it. He watched Giant with me last week when it came on after Rebel w/o a cause. He's never seen Rebel though. I've got to buy the DVD. I like Rebel, I don't like Giant though. Too much of Rock Hudson. He's gross. I'm going to redo my room in James Dean. Take down all my movie and NSync posters. Even though I've probably got hundreds of dollars in movie posters on my wall. When I lived in Dallas my family painted the living room dark green and we had this "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" painting over the fireplace. It's got James Dean, Elvis, and Marilyn on it. My parent's gave it to me when we painted the living room white and they wanted to take it down. I had it on my wall until we moved. Kept it boxed up since then. When I remembered I had it... AND IT HAD JAMES DEAN ON IT!!!! I unpacked it! I'm going to hang that up and then frame James Dean pictures all over my room. He's the most beautiful creator God blessed the earth with. I luff him.
Kinsey Kicks

James Franco, LOOK AT THAT HAIR!

sunday, 8.5.01 Ohhhhhhh, James Franco. He stared in the TNT movie "James Dean" which premiered tonight. I watched it all three times! HE'S DREAMY! Once I was done watching the movies I got online to go surf abunch of James Dean sites. Tomorrow night they're doing a TCM Tribute to James Dean and showing "Rebel without a Cause" and "Giant." I'm going to watch them. I'm interested in seeing the way Franco acted compared to the way Dean acted. I was so impressed with James Franco. I've been a fan of his for a long time and I've never seen him act that way before. The movie was really sad. James Dean seemed to have it all, but I think he was really miserable. Speaking of James Dean... Brad Pitt was on JACKASS tonight!!! I saw the name "Brad Pitt" at the bottom of the screen when all of the monkeys were jumping out of the van and laughed because I figured one of the guys thought it would be cute to title himself Brad Pitt.. then one of the monkeys took his mask off and it was Brad!!! I hold Brad up to like... God status so it was weird watching him act like an idiot. But I've dealt with it and now realize that Brad Pitt is just ten times cooler now. He Rocks like a Beast. He's so cute. I need to add him to the yummy bunch.
Kinsey Kicks

Proud to be a girl

saturday, 8.4.01 I know I haven't updated in a while so I figured I'd drop a quick update to whoever actually reads this. My friend Heather's 22 year old brother was killed in a car accident on July 27th. I got a call from her that afternoon. She's one of my friends from Oklahoma. She's about 14. Heather had only known her brother, Chris, for 8 months so it's been a difficult time for her. I felt so honored that she wanted to talk to me. I just didn't know what to tell her. I think I did an ok job though. I saw pictures of the accident on some of Oklahoma's news websites. It made me so sick to think that Heather was going to have to turn on the tv and see that. I didn't know Chris, but I was really upset over the death of him and his friend. Someone so young. Not to mention, a friend's brother. When you're talking to someone who is devastated over something, your first instinct is to say "It's going to be ok." But that's bull. It popped in my head several times, but I knew that, that wasn't the truth. The truth is it's going to hurt for a while. Not being able to hug someone who is in pain is terrible. I've been meaning to call Heather for the past week now to check up on her. I've been in a major bad mood though. I knew our bad moods wouldn't make for a positive and uplifting conversation.
I've just been SO BUMMED! Seriously! Like, everything's workin' MY LAST NERVE! I was so annoyed by the crappie selection of movies that my Mom brought home from Blockbuster THAT I WAS READY TO KILLLLL SOMEBODY! And nooooo, it's not PMS. I'm just BORED! I was watching the Christian network and apparently this is a normal thing for teenagers. Still ticks me off though.
I talked to Jason Thursday night. He puts me on Cloud 9. He seriously makes me SO HAPPY! I talk about our conversations for DAYS! He makes me laugh and I'm just so gaga over the guy! I'm so proud of him! I sometimes wish I were still in Oklahoma just so I could watch him grow as a person. He starts college this month! I was all like "THAT'S MY MAN!" He has a new job! That pays more! He's getting a new truck! He's just this... big... 20 year old now! I sincerely LOVE him. I'm going to KIDNAP HIM!!!
So, I was on my Jason high until about Friday afternoon. After 90210 was over, I had nothing to do so I sat and had a pity party... I refused to eat dinner.. and watch the retarded movies my Mom got from Blockbuster with the family.
I got online that night and my best buuuuud Crystal was on. We started talking and I explained to her how I was slowly going INSANE!!!!!!!!!! And Crystal, being... The best friend in the entire world... says, "You know what you should do?" and I answered "Go hide in Camaro Boy's bushes?" and she said... "Yeah, that! And... COME WITH ME TO MY PROM!" Ok, I know prom is like... NEXT YEAR! But that totally made my day!!! She's given me something to look forward to! I am so lucky to have HER as my friend! If anyone goes and tries to steal her from me I'll go Suge Knight on their ass!!!! I wont share! She's MY bestfriend! Best back off! I didn't really ask my parent's permission. I kind of just told them. Mom made comments like "You could get your dress here so no one will have it in Plano." and "Don't let Justin drive you!" So, I'm assuming that was her way of saying yes.
BTW, Justin is one of Crystal and I's goodfriends from Dallas. If our little clique were Saved By the Bell, Justin would be Screech. Except CUTER! I'm going to crown myself Kelly. Crystal could be... Lisa. She always wears the cutest clothes! So, we'll give her the Lisa title. Our friend Patrick, is a mix between Zack and A.C. Slater. Tiffany (Crystal's sister) is... Violet. Remember her? She was played by Tori Spelling for a season. She was Screech's beeotch.
Crystal just rules. She knows exactly what to say to make me smile! Not alot of people can do that! Basically just Crystal and Jason! Crystal is my Ben Affleck! Or am I Ben and she's Matt Damon? Well, what else is there to tell? Oh, I watched The Naked Chef tonight on the Food Network. I want to marry Jamie. He's so dope illy fresh. I watched Good Will Hunting this afternoon. Which explains my Ben and Matt comparisons. Uhm, I've become obsessed with Bon Jovi's "Cross Road" cd. Everytime I call Crystal, I leave "You Give Love a Bad name" on her answering machine (inside joke). I'm going to make that my.. sign. If you hear Bon Jovi it's got to be Kinsey!
I could smooch Billy Idol until my lips fell off Who saw my boyfriend Billy Idol on MTV's 20th Par-Tay? Billy looked mighty fine! I could smooch him until my lips fell off.
Uhmmm, what else should I inform you off.... OHHHH I'm in love with Adam on Road Rules 10! "ADAM! TAKE YOUR MEDICINE!" OHH OHH, and the Backstreet Boys are coming to visit me in October! Got to go see my men AJ and Nick!
Lance Bass' new movie looks WONDERFUL! I can't wait to see it! When I see the commercial it gives me goosebumps! Lance looks GORGEOUS! We're getting married, you know. Date hasn't been set yet because Lance insists on being "spontaneous." He loves me, what can I say? LOL! I put up my new Rub A Dub layout. I'm pretty stoked about it. It looks good. I've still got stuff to work on though. I think I'll do that now. Peace out Chief!
Kinsey Kicks

kinsey=me i have a filthy mouth,,,

SIGN MY GUESTBOOK and... well... be cooler than the people who... DON'T sign my guestbook. YEAH! RIGHT ON!

call me: Kinz or Diddy
my dad calls me: His little "Hell Cat"
jay oh bee: Dad insists I shouldn't work until "I HAVE to."
boy toy: Besides the Justin Timberlake poster on my ceiling?
why i think i'm cool: Because I've got Justin Timberlake on my answering machine.
i like: Music, NSync, The Sex Pistols, Blink 182, Billy Idol, dc talk, Flickerstick, Gwen Stefani, Rascal Flatts, Gilmore Girls (tv), Freaks & Geeks (tv), The Fox News Channel, Fuzzy dice, Matt Damon, Jenny McCarthy, John Norris, The Naked Chef, Mark Wahlberg, James Dean, Blue jeans, platform sandals, Snickers candy bars, Blonde boys, George W., and I like the word "Ass."
i don't like: My filthy mouth (language), Al Gore, Bugs, Friends who are really A-Holes in disguise, REALLY skinny people, Kids that are mean to my baby brother!!!!, Ghosts, Smelly arm pits, Leg hair, Garden trolls, mice, NSync haters, Rosie O'Donnell, Puff Daddy, Soulcracker, Milk, Socks with big holes in the toes, Most girls my age, Most guys my age, Rude people in Scottsdale, & I don't like... Walmart.

pink stars cd in player: greatest hits -Billy Idol
last song listened to:
dancing with myself -Billy Idol
last movie watched:
sid & nancy
quote it: "God Save The Queen." -Johnny Rotten
last book read: Dizzy & Jimmy
(Liz Sheridan)


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The Yummy Bunch

Girls That Rock



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Top 5

top five songs on the radio: Hey Mr.DJ
1. sheniqua -Little T and
One Track Mike
2. everywhere -Michelle Branch (Hometown girl!)
3. rockshow -Blink 182
4. turn off the light -Nelly Furtado
5. island in the sun -Weezer

top five videos on mtv:Hey Mr.DJ
1. alive -P.O.D.
2. sweet baby -Macy Gray
3. rockshow -Blink 182
4. every other time -LFO
5. when it's over -Sugar Ray

top five shows on tv:The Tube
1. saved by the bell
2. the osbourns
3. the anna nicole show
4. braceface
5. freaks & geeks

top five websites:www.
1. Rub A Dub Dub
2. Kinsey
3. Doll-a-matic
4. eBay
5. E! online

my name looks so dirty