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Armouring Links

Armouring Articles Beginner Armouring Pictorials Anglo-Saxon & Viking Mongolian
Chain Mail Coat of Plates Fluting Techniques Lamellar Leather
Scale Gambesons Gauntlets Helmets Leg Armour
Mailing Lists

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Armouring Related Articles
  1. Stefan's Florilegium: Combat Index
  2. Armour Patterns - FTP SITE
  3. Ailettes Revisited
  4. The Arador Armour Library
  5. Armor Patterns
  6. Armor Stand
  7. The Armour Archive
  8. Armor Choices and Combat Examples
  9. Ancient and Medieval Weapons & Armour
  10. Arms and Armour Glossary of Terms
  11. Common Myths About Weapons and Armour
  12. Do It Yourself Armour
  13. Knight's Armor: 1250 AD, 1325 AD, 1430 AD
  14. Late 13th Century Armour Adapted for SCA Combat
  15. Medieval Armor
  16. Medieval Russian Armor
  17. Patrick's Armor Patterns
  18. Photographs from the Arsenal in Graz (Austria)
  19. Pictorial Glossary of Armor Terms
  20. Pieces I Have Made by Wade Allen
  21. The Portable Armory
  22. The Royal Armouries Museum
  23. Sports Armours Vs. Period Based Armours
  24. Therion's Armor and Weapons Page
  25. Weapons and Armour References

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Armouring for Beginners
  1. Beginner's Manual of Armor Construction
  2. Reinforced Carpet Armor
  3. Wanna Fight? Getting Started in SCA Combat
  4. Ludwig's Chainmail for Beginners

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Armour & Arms Pictorials
  1. Medieval Weapons and Armor
  2. Therion's Medieval Arms and Armour Page

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Anglo-Saxon & Viking Armour
  1. Anglo-Saxon Helmet Discovered in Northamptonshire
  2. Anglo-Saxon Weapons and Armour
  3. Armor and Weapons of the Vikings
  4. The Chest Harness Known as the "Varangian Bra"
  5. The Viking Horned Helmet: Myth or Legend?
  6. Weapons and Armour

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Mongolian Armour
  1. Mongolian Arms, Armor and Garb
  2. The Mongols: The Army and The Empire

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Chain Mail
  1. Ludwig's Chainmail for Beginners
  2. Glenn K's Chain Mail Page - AKA The Quick and Dirty Guide to Chain Mail
  3. Animated Guide to Making Chainmail
  4. Armor Patterns
  5. Arms and Armour of the Anglo-Saxon and Viking Age - Mail Armour
  6. Bishop's Mantle
  7. Butted Mail: A Mailmaker's Guide
  8. Chain Mail Care FAQ
  9. Chainmail Construction
  10. Chainmail Construction: An Electronic Notebook
  11. Chain Mail Leggings With Feet
  12. 'Chain' Mail Production Techniques
  13. Chain Mail: The Lord Randolph Method
  14. Coif Construction
  15. The Colluphid Armoury
  16. Constructing a Lorica Plumata
  17. Full Coif
  18. The Gjermundbu Mail Shirt
  19. Hauberk Pattern (Colluphid Armoury)
  20. How To Make Chainmail
  21. Japanese Chain Armor
  22. Mail Chauces, Fauld, and Camaille Layouts
  23. Mail Patterns
  24. Mail Timeline
  25. Riveted Chain Armor
  26. A Reinforced Mail Mitten
  27. Riveted Mail
  28. Weapons and Armour

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Wisby Coat of Plates
  1. Coat of Plates Pattern
  2. Construction of a 13th Century Armored Surcoat
  3. Leather Reinforced Brigandine
  4. The Making of Wisby Plate

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Fluting Techniques
  1. Armor Fluting Press
  2. Armour Fluting

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Lamellar Armour
  1. Armour: A Byzantine Soldier of the 12th Century
  2. Byzantine Lamellar Armour
  3. Lamellar Plate Pattern with Step 1 and Step 2 for lacing

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Leather Armour
  1. Cuir Bollei Armour
  2. Cuir Bouilli
  3. Hardened Leather: Cuir Bouilli
  4. Leather Clamshell Gauntlets
  5. Leather Reinforced Brigandine
  6. On Making a Leather Arm Harness
  7. On the Making of Cuir Bouilli
  8. The Perfect Armor
  9. A 13th Century Leg Harness
  10. Vambrace Construction
  11. Water Hardened Leather

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Scale Armor
  1. Constructing a Lorica Plumata

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  1. Arming Coats
  2. How to Make a Gambeson

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  1. Experiments With Gauntlets
  2. Gauntlet Pattern
  3. Leather Clamshell Gauntlets

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  1. Anglo-Saxon Helmet Discovered in Northamptonshire
  2. Arms and Armour of the Anglo-Saxon and Viking Age: Helmets
  3. Great Helm Pattern
  4. Spangen Helm Pattern
  5. The Transition from Conical Helmet to Great Helm
  6. The Viking Horned Helmet: Myth or Legend?
  7. Weapons and Armour
  8. Reproduction of Sutton Hoo Helmet

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Leg Armour
  1. Chain Mail Leggings With Feet
  2. Mail Chauces, Fauld, and Camaille Layouts
  3. 13th Century Leg Armor
  4. A 13th Century Leg Harness

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Mailing Lists
  1. The Armory: Send message to with message body of "subscribe the-armory [your e-mail]"

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