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March 22,2000- Returning once agian as your webmaster I would like to say a few things. First off this site is abandoned except for thsi page. First off I would like to invite you all too my other sites. Here's the URL's (not much here, keep coming back) !AWESOME, u gotta check it out, its a band!
Just so you know GameShack covers all major systms. I own a Dreamcast and a 64 (which I don't play unless conkers bfd happenss to be at my house). My friend who is the co-webmaster of the site has a PS2/PSX.
The 3munkeez website is awesome. While this is still my biggest, dare I say, best looking website my effort has turned to the 3munkeez website. Please sign the gueestbook tkae the poll and read the lyrics. WE might even be recording the CD this week. The day after spring break(this week for me) will be our 1 year aniversiary (hehe, SP?). Also check out the SYSB show section, I'll explain that later.
There are also several other websites I am considering staritng.
If you have an opinion on either of those subjects plz let me know (by email).
No for the SYSB show, hehe. SSYSB=Scott Yellow (me) and Steve Blue Show. IN this show we do stupid stuff. As you can guess we are really big Tom Gren fans, he's our inspiration :)! NEway we think once we get it filmed we might have a good web show going. We coul make a webite for it but for know it's homepage is in the 3munkeez website. I don't want to type the whole list of things were gonna do but heres and example that happened of cammera yesterday ate the park.
I was on a swing next too a pole. I decided that I wanted the pole so I grabbed on to it while swinging. I eventually fel off face first and started licking the mulch. This got mixed reactions from the park goers. Some thought it was gross, other were laughing. One of the girls who was ewwwing had a jar of pickels in her backpack, just thought I'd let u know. I did it again and got my feet stuck on the swing with back on the ground. good lord thats fun to do. If u dont know the joys of being an idiot in public that u need to experiment.
Well I gotta go soon. I'm camping for 2 anda half days this week. I guess I'll update the page when something important happens. BTW, for those of u who dont know the Pokegym fell too coperate goons. They reopened as only a message board, which was fine with me until wizards hosted them. That menat no random topic center or video games forum. Sigh, I guess I'll be back soon.Gee, I typed a lot.
March 3,2000- Guess what, I am back. WOW. I stopped playing PKMN a while ago because there were not enough people to play. It's still a great game, there just wernt enough people to play. I encourage all of you to keep playing. I won't be updating at much, maybe not at all, byut this site will always have a place in my heart because it was my first web site. Thankyou all who have helped me, Mike, Brian, Nick, and all the other who were not seen much. LONG LIVE POKEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aug 9(Later)- I added an awesome new deck and a Gym heros preview in the stuff section. Check it out,
Aug 9- Wow, this summer has been weird, 3 vacations covering 4 weeks and I recieved Starcraft and Perfect Dark which took up a notiable amount of time. I also am in a band that will be recording a new CD soon. Check out our website at
<-[]>WWW.ANGELFIRRE.COM/BAND/3MUNKEEZ<[]->. Also check out my old Nintenod site, whic is now called "Battle of the Systems cause my friend is helping me with it and he happens to like the PSX so no there's two sides. Now on to the news you might just actually care aboout ;.)
June 12- Hello everyone, sorry for not updating, I was on vacation (well, for a week). I just posted a new deck, expect more soon,
May 18- I think I will add a couple of decks today, I will have a lot more time update withen the next few months. Go check out the decks!
May 5- I added three decks, one in the old decks and two in the new, if you don't know what i mean just check out the decks section. that's all for now,
April 22- I have a deck or two to post, a CAC (create-a-card), and you may soon find a Gundam Wing Fiction series in the fiction area. If you don't kow what Gundam Wing I guess I'll post an article on it soon. That's all for now,
As for the Pokemon there's probley not much to talk about. The Gym hereo's Pre-Realease tourny just happaned this last Saturday but I didn't get to go cause I was having a party at my house. Gym-Heros's looks to be a promising set, with cards like Team-Rockets Trap and No-Energy Removal Gym. I will go over the cards in a Gym-Heros Review in the STUFF section. Look for that sometime today. As you also probley know Neo 2 recently released. I may have known a lot about Neo when it came out but I know almost nothing about Neo 2. I did by mty friend a pack for his birthday, I have no idea what the holo was, it looked like some kind of whale. Something else interesting about neo2 is there are 2 caterpies (I know this cause my friend pulled tow different ones in the same pack, intresting).
My friend was at the mall and he bought a rocket pack and Walden Books and he got a holo-mew And a Holo-Eevee for free, good deal huh, I plan on going down there to.
Oh yeah, the new movie, it's OK for a Pokemon Movie but it isn't that good comparred to other movies(non- Pokemon). Maybe I'll post a review. I got a Moltres for my ticket, I'm gonna buy the rest for ten bucks of a site a friend showed me. If you were wondering the seconmd movie was better than the first.
Oh yeahanother reason why updating has been so slow, Harry Potter and Redwall. They are both series of books if you have been living under a rock. I might post a new deckk today and I'll probley(SP?) post a article about the new deck of Gym 1, The Trapper in the STUFF section. That's all I can think of for now, look sfor the new stuff over the next couple days.
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