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I am thrilled to have received the following unsolicited awards. A special heartfelt thanks goes out to those who felt my humble web site worthy to display them.

Please take a moment and visit their web sites by clicking on the award. Thank you.

Thank you
Val's Home Page

vawesomeaward2.gif (26398 bytes)

Wonderful info site on Australia, New Zealand, Disney, and lots more

Special thanks to
I'm Heaven Bound

heavenbound1.jpg (15840 bytes)

Wonderful Christian Site

Thank you
Gypsyroses Favorite Things

DIAMONDAWARD.jpg (10617 bytes)

Wonderful site

Thank you

lovePWOTW.gif (6697 bytes)

Presented by Becky
A very special person

Thank you Jimmeyweb

jimmywebaward.gif (4003 bytes)

Webtv links, info, and more