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A Beacon

by E.M.G

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I would like to be a beacon
In a world that's often dark,
For I want to shine for Jesus
Though my light is just a spark.
And I want to share with others
Of the hope within my heart;
I would make the Bible teachings
Of my daily life a part.

There is so much sin around us
We must tread with utmost care,
Lest the tempter would entice us,
Catching us within his snare.
He will lure with cunning evil
Thus to catch folds unaware,
If they have no light to guide them,
If they spend no time in prayer.

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If I want my lamp to burn right
So its flame will not grow dim
I must always look to Jesus
For I get my light from Him.
I must read the Bible lessons
That He left to guide our way,
And must keep my heart's door open
Every time I kneel to pray.

For the light I shine for others
Is the deeds I do each day.
Do I treat each one with kindness
Whom I meet along the way?
Am I always fair and truthful?
Do I choose my words with care?
Lest unknowing I hurt someone,
Make his burden hard to bear.

I must seek to be forgiving
Of the wrong that's done to me,
And with patience try to view things
In the way my friends would see.
Go an extra mile when needed,
Help to lighten someone's load,
Live in peace with those who travel
Close beside me on life's road.

I would like to be a beacon
But I'm human, as you know.
I am prone to faults and failings
That unchecked will grow and grow.
So I look to God to help me,
Trusting He will guide me right,
So my life will shine for others,
A reflection of His light.








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