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How Well Do You Know The Bride?


1. For a second car, would you buy a:
sports car antique car convertible 4-wheel drive
van jeep truck

2.  Would you prefer to go:
water skiing fishing hiking jogging
bowling swimming biking

3. Would you prefer to take a vacation to:
France Germany Disney World Porchville
New York California

4. If you had a problem with your husband-to-be would you tell your:
mother mother-in-law your friend no one

5. When listening to music, what type do you listen to:
Rock N Roll New Age Jazz Classical
Oldies 80's Talk shows

6. Would you prefer to live in a:
colonial home ranch-style home
luxury apartment a mansion
a tee pee

7. If you gave birth to twins would you prefer:
two boys two girls
a girl and a boy

8.  If you were having a buffet, would you prefer to use:
sterling silver copper wooden paper plates
serving pieces plastic

9.  If you were going to the movies, would you prefer to see a
love story mystery comedy musical
epic horror previews

10.  Would you prefer to master the art of cooking:
Italian French German Chinese
Mexican Hamburgers Dog food

11.  At a party, would you prefer to drink:
champagne fruit punch daiquiri soft drink
buttermilk nothing

12.  If you were spending an evening at home, would you prefer to:
read a book watch TV play cards listen to music

13.  Would you prefer to own a:
French poodle cocker spaniel collie dachshund
German shepherd nothing Hot dog

14.  Would you prefer to read a:
poem humorous novel sonnet
essay home decorating magazine romance

15.  Would your ideal residence location be:
in the mountains by the ocean
in a small town in a large city
on a farm a cave