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S tepping   Out
by B. Zimmerman


My dear little girl is learning to walk,
With tottering steps it is true.
Her balance precarious, she toddles around
So pleased with what she can do.

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I watch her step out as with evident glee
She struggles to master her legs:
Though often she lands on the floor with a flop,
As though they were unsteady pegs.

She doesn't give up -- with a grunt and a smile
She's up on her feet once again.
The freedom of walking no doubt must appeal
For she tries again and again.

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And almost I feel as though I should cling
To the baby she was yesterday,
For already she's squirming to get off my lap
To step forth and go walking away.....

Those months that I took her wherever I went
Still seem to be such a big part --
But though she goes stepping away from me now
She'll never walk out of my heart.

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