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A Home for Brew, and Home Brewers,
Florida Style....

Tropic-Ale Originals

Wheat Beers

Belgian/German Beers

Pale Ales



Fruit Beers

Submitted or not Cataloged

Welcome to Ron's Home Brew, Home Page, formally the Ron Horse Brewing Company. A recent move to Florida has forced a new name and logo. I just got started here, so some of the links will not work yet, and others will have minimal information.

I have only been brewing for a few years, and as it is a hobby, I don't take it too seriously. Home brewing is a relaxing and enjoyable side track. If you are a serious mash maker, you may want to cruise on to a more hard core site. This page is for the casual, and new home brewer with recipes that are as easy to make, as they are tasty. 

The links to the left will lead you to a list of my own concoctions, as well as others I have collected on the web. If you have a recipe of your own, or one that you have found, and brewed that I don't have listed here, please use the submit link below, and I'll add it to the list, as well as try it myself!
I have also begun adding pictures to the Tropic-Ale Pics. They are coming through very nice.

Please kick back, open a cold one, and have a look around.


Search Tropic-Ale (not quite ready)

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